Hester Peirce Proposal For Treatment Of Cryptocurrency
SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce, nicknamed “Crypto Mom,” has made a proposal for the temporary deregulation of digital assets to advance innovation and allow for unimpeded decentralization of blockchain networks. Ms. Peirce made the proposal in a speech on February 6, 2020.
The world of digital assets and cryptocurrency literally became an overnight business sector for corporate and securities lawyers, shifting from the pure technology sector with the SEC’s announcement that a cryptocurrency is a security in its Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation. Since then, there has been a multitude of enforcement proceedings, repeated disseminations of new guidance and many speeches by some of the top brass at the SEC, each evolving the regulatory landscape. Although I wasn’t focused on digital assets before that, upon reading the DAO report, I wasn’t surprised. It seemed clear to me that the capital raising efforts through cryptocurrencies were investment contracts within the meaning of SEC v. W. J. Howey Co.
However, although capital raising seems clear, the breadth of the SEC’s jurisdiction and involvement are much less so. Not all token issuances and digital assets are used for capital raising, but rather these digital assets are fundamental to the operations of decentralized applications. Amazing new networks are being built and traditional applications are being disrupted at every turn. However, the ability to publicly issue the digital tokens that drive these networks continues to challenge the best practitioners, with all avenues leading back to some form of registration. The SEC’s temporary injunction against Telegram and its Grams digital token, the one token everyone firmly believed was a pure utility, together with the successful Regulation A offering of Blockstack’s token, has made Regulation A the clear choice for a public token issuance.
In theory, an S-1 would work as well, though to date no one has tried and likely will not do so in the short term. The issue with an S-1 is testing the waters and gun jumping (see HERE). Public communication in advance of an S-1 is strictly limited whereas most token offerings rely heavily on pre-marketing. Regulation A broadly allows pre-offering marketing, offers and communications (see HERE).
Currently, those who operate in the digital asset space must carefully navigate rough, uncharted waters while doing everything possible to comply with federal regulations. Although Regulation A+ works for the public issuance of a token, the issue of transitioning from a security to a utility a Hester Peirce Proposal For Treatment Oft this point requires a leap of faith. The SEC has been clear that when a network becomes decentralized enough, a token can cease to be a security. The question remains: how can a token that begins as a security, be utilized and traded freely in a network, in its utilitarian purpose, such to allow the network to grow in decentralization?
The SEC has also been clear that the secondary trading of securities, including digital assets, requires a broker-dealer license (see, for example, HERE). Currently there is no active secondary trading market for digital asset securities in the U.S., though we are getting closer. However, secondary trading is different than use in a network for a token’s intended purpose.
Although there is no written guidance or pronouncement from the SEC Division of Trading and Markets, it appears that the SEC will allow a token that is a security to be used in a network without compliance with the registration or exemption provisions of the federal securities laws. The basis for this conclusion is the clearance of Blockstack’s Regulation A offering, which announces that the token can be used on the network and informal calls with FinHUB (see HERE) and digital asset legal practitioners. This does not provide the sort of comfort that a business investing millions of dollars into technology wants to rely upon.
That is one huge gap in the digital asset regulatory framework, but many more exist, leading Commissioner Peirce to throw out the first of what will probably be several proposals that hopefully bring us to a working structure.
Commissioner Peirce’s Proposal
Ms. Peirce begins by pointing out what I and every other practitioner have pointed out while trying to traverse the law’s application to digital assets, and that is that compliance with the law while furthering the meritorious digital asset technology is an unwinnable struggle. Ms. Peirce states, “[W]hether it is issuing tokens to be used in a network, launching an exchange-traded product based on bitcoin, providing custody for crypto assets, operating a broker-dealer that handles crypto transactions, or setting up an alternative trading system where people can trade crypto assets, our securities laws stand in the way of innovation.”
Although the issues are widespread, Ms. Peirce focuses on the issue of getting tokens into the hands of potential network users without violating securities laws. Where a token is a security, the ability to grow a network and utilize a token within the network is unreasonably hampered.
Furthermore, although many tokens may be bundled in such a way as to create an investment contract under Howey, she thinks the SEC has gone too far in its analysis. The mere fact that a token is marketed as potentially increasing in value should not make it a security. If that were the case, quality handbags, designer sneakers, fine art and good wines would all be securities under the purview of the SEC.
The options available for digital asset technology innovators are limited. A network could simply open source the code and allow mining to create the initial tokens. A network could also take its chances and conclude that a token is not a security and proceed with the issuance, although that did not work out well for Telegram. The option most networks have chosen is to either avoid the U.S. altogether or rely on Regulation D and/or Regulation S for token issuances, and recently Regulation A for a more public issuance.
The safe harbor proposed by Commissioner Peirce is designed for projects looking to build a decentralized network. The safe harbor is admittedly in a draft form. Commissioner Peirce hopes for active public input as well as involvement within the SEC to help take her draft and formulate a workable plan that is either a rule or a no-action position, but that the market can rely on in moving forward.
The safe harbor would provide network developers with a three-year grace period within which they could facilitate participation in and the development of a functional or decentralized network, exempt from the federal securities laws as long as certain conditions are satisfied. In particular, (i) the offer and sale of tokens would be exempted from the provisions of the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”) other than the anti-fraud provisions; (ii) tokens would be exempt from registration under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”); and (iii) persons engaged in certain token transactions would be exempt from the definitions of “exchange,” “broker,” and “dealer” under the Exchange Act.
In order to qualify for the safe harbor, several conditions must be met including: (i) the development team must intend the network to reach maturity, either through full decentralization or token functionality, within three years of the date of the first token sale, and act in good faith to meet that goal. I note that good faith is a hard standard to prove; (ii) the team must disclose key information on a freely accessible public website; (iii) the token must be offered and sold for the purpose of facilitating access to, participation on, or the development of the network; (iv) the team must take reasonable efforts to create liquidity for users; and (v) the team would have to file a notice of reliance on the safe harbor on EDGAR within 15 days of the first token sale.
Determining decentralization requires an analysis of whether the network is not controlled and is not reasonably likely to be controlled, or unilaterally changed, by any single person, group of persons, or entities under common control. Functionality would be when holders can use the tokens for the transmission and storage of value or to participate in an application running on the network.
The key information that would need to be disclosed on a public website includes (i) the source code; (ii) transaction history; (iii) purpose and mechanics of the network (including the launch and supply process, number of tokens in initial allocation, total number of tokens to be created, release schedule for the tokens and total number of tokens outstanding); (iv) information about how tokens are generated or minted, the process for burning tokens, the process for validating transactions and the consensus mechanism; (v) the governance mechanisms for implementing changes to the protocol; (vi) the plan of development, including the current state and timeline for achieving maturity; (vii) financing plans, including prior token sales; (viii) the names and relevant experience, qualifications, attributes, or skills of each person that is a member of the team; (ix) the number of tokens owned by each member of the team, a description of any limitations or restrictions on the transferability of tokens held by such persons, and a description of the team members’ rights to receive tokens in the future; (x) the sale by any member of 5% or more of his or her originally held tokens; and (xi) any secondary markets on which the tokens trade. Disclosures would need to be updated to reflect any material changes.
The requirement to make good-faith efforts to create liquidity for users could include a secondary trading market. In that case, the team would be required to utilize a trading platform that can demonstrate compliance with all applicable federal and state law, as well as regulations relating to money transmission, anti-money laundering, and consumer protection. Although I find this requirement perplexing, Commissioner Peirce believes it will help facilitate the distribution of the tokens such that they can flow back to a utility use on the network.
As mentioned, the safe harbor would not include the anti-fraud provisions of the securities laws. In addition, the safe harbor would be subject to the bad actor rules, such that it could not be used if any member of a team fell within the bad actor provisions (see HERE). The safe harbor would pre-empt state securities laws, but as with other pre-emptions, it would not include the state anti-fraud provisions.
The safe-harbor would be retroactive in that it would apply to tokens previously issued in registered or exempt offerings to allow for the free use of the token to build the network, and secondary sales.
Although as Commissioner Peirce notes, it has to start somewhere, it is a given in the industry that the proposal as written will not likely gain traction. It is simply too anti-regulation for any regulator’s and perhaps even industry participant’s liking. However, it does lay the framework to open the conversation and start towards a workable solution. Certainly, the current plan to let tokens registered as securities, be used as utilities, until we say otherwise, is not any better. The industry needs a workable solution, and I am glad an SEC Commissioner is taking a step forward.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For a review of the 2014 case against BTC Trading Corp. for acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer for operating a bitcoin trading platform, see HERE.
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal’s op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC’s role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
To learn about the SEC’s position and concerns with crypto-related funds and ETFs, see HERE.
For more information on the SEC’s statements on online trading platforms for cryptocurrencies and more thoughts on the uncertainty and the need for even further guidance in this space, see HERE.
For a discussion of William Hinman’s speech related to ether and bitcoin and guidance in cryptocurrencies in general, see HERE.
For a review of FinCEN’s role in cryptocurrency offerings and money transmitter businesses, see HERE.
For a review of Wyoming’s blockchain legislation, see HERE.
For a review of FINRA’s request for public comment on FinTech in general and blockchain, see HERE.
For my three-part case study on securities tokens, including a discussion of bounty programs and dividend or airdrop offerings, see HERE; HERE and HERE.
For a summary of three recent speeches by SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce, including her views on crypto and blockchain, and the SEC’s denial of a crypto-related fund or ETF, see HERE.
For a review of SEC enforcement-driven guidance on digital asset issuances and trading, see HERE.
For information on the SEC’s FinTech hub, see HERE.
For the SEC’s most recent analysis matrix for digital assets and application of the Howey Test, see HERE.
For FinCEN’s most recent guidance related to cryptocurrency, see HERE.
For a discussion on the enforceability of smart contracts, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and FINRA’s joint statement related to the custody of digital assets, see HERE.
For a review of the SEC, FinCEN and CFTC joint statement on digital assets, see HERE.
« SEC Proposes Additional Disclosures For Resource Extraction Companies SEC Small Business Advocate Releases First Annual Report »
The SEC’s Strategic Hub For Innovation And Financial Technology
Responding to the growing necessity, in mid-October the SEC launched a Strategic Hub for Innovation and Financial Technology (FinHub). The FinHub will serve as a resource for public engagement on the SEC’s FinTech-related issues and initiatives, such as distributed ledger technology (including digital assets), automated investment advice, digital marketplace financing, and artificial intelligence/machine learning. The FinHub also replaces and consolidates several SEC internal working groups that have been working on these matters.
According to the SEC press release on the matter, the FinHub will:
- Provide a portal for the industry and the public to engage directly with SEC staff on innovative ideas and technological developments;
- Publicize information regarding the SEC’s activities and initiatives involving FinTech on the FinHub web page;
- Engage with the public through publications and events, including a FinTech Forum focusing on distributed ledger technology and digital assets planned for 2019;
- Act as a platform and clearinghouse for SEC staff to acquire and disseminate information and FinTech-related knowledge within the agency; and
- Serve as a liaison to other domestic and international regulators regarding emerging technologies in financial, regulatory, and supervisory systems.
Although I’m sure FinHub supports engagement in all FinTech areas, the website itself is broken into four categories: (i) blockchain/distributed ledger; (ii) digital marketplace financing; (iii) automated investment advice; and (iv) artificial intelligence/machine learning. Under each category the SEC has tabs with information such as regulations, speeches and presentations, opportunities for public input and empirical information.
Blockchain/Distributed Ledger
Blockchain and distributed ledger generally refer to databases that maintain information across a network of computers in a decentralized or distributed manner. Blockchains are often used to issue and transfer ownership of digital assets that may be securities, depending on the facts and circumstances.
Clearly illustrating the need for regulatory initiatives, the “regulation, registration and related matters” tab under blockchain/distributed ledger is limited to public speeches, testimony and pronouncements, and enforcement actions, and not regulation (as none exists). Although certainly we in the community give public statements weight, they actually have no binding legal authority. The speeches, testimony and pronouncements that the SEC lists in this tab, and as such the ones that the SEC gives the most weight to, include (i) Chair Clayton’s testimony on virtual currencies to the Senate banking committee (see HERE); (ii) William Hinman’s speech on digital asset transactions (see HERE); (iii) statement on potentially unlawful online platforms for trading digital assets (see HERE); and (iv) remarks before the AICPA National Conference of Banks & Savings institutions (see HERE and HERE).
Providing more legal guidance are the enforcement proceedings. The SEC has provided a running list of all cyber enforcement actions broken down by category including digital asset/initial coin offerings; account intrusions; hacking/insider trading; market manipulation; safeguarding customer information; public company disclosure and controls; and trading suspensions.
Digital Marketplace Financing
Digital marketplace financing refers to fundraising using mass-marketed digital media – i.e., crowdfunding. In this category, the SEC includes traditional Title III Crowdfunding under Regulation CF and platforms for the marketing of Regulation D, Rule 506(c) offerings for the offering of debt or equity financing. Under the Regulation tab the SEC includes Regulation CF and the SEC’s Regulation CF homepage, including investor bulletins.
The SEC does not include a link to Rule 506(c) or Section 4(c) of the Securities Act, which provide an exemption for advertised offerings where all purchasers are accredited investors, and the platforms or web intermediaries that host such offerings, respectively. However, many securities token offerings are being completed relying on these exemptions from the registration provisions – in fact, more so than Regulation CF which is limited to $1,070,000 in any twelve-month period. In my opinion, this is a miss on the site layout.
This area of the FinHub website also provides a link to one of the first published SEC investor bulletins on initial coin offerings, including some high-level considerations to avoid a scam. Finally, this area provides a link to a Regulation CF empirical information page published by the SEC. Unfortunately I do not find the data to be user-friendly and could not determine how many, if any, Regulation CF offerings have included digitized assets or FinTech-related issuers.
Automated Investment Advice
Automated investment advisers or robo-advisers are investment advisers that typically provide asset management services through online algorithmic-based programs. Since their introduction, the SEC has been involved with regulating these market participants. Under this section, the SEC provides links to guidance related to robo-advisors.
Robo-advisers, like all registered investment advisers, are subject to the substantive and fiduciary obligations of the Advisers Act. However, since robo-advisers rely on algorithms, provide advisory services over the internet, and may offer limited, if any, direct human interaction to their clients, their unique business models may raise certain considerations when seeking to comply with the Advisers Act. In particular, the Advisors Act requires that a client receive information that is critical to his or her ability to make informed decisions about engaging, and then managing the relationship with, the investment adviser. As a fiduciary, an investment adviser has a duty to make full and fair disclosure of all material facts to, and to employ reasonable care to avoid misleading, clients. The information provided must be sufficiently specific so that a client is able to understand the investment adviser’s business practices and conflicts of interests. Such information must be presented in a manner that clients are likely to read (if in writing) and understand.
Since robo-advisors provide information and disclosure over the internet without human interaction and the benefit of back-and-forth discussions, the disclosures must be extra robust and provide thorough material on the use of an algorithm. The SEC’s guidance on the subject contains a fairly thorough list of matters that should be included in the client information.
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
Machine learning and artificial intelligence refer to methods of using computers to mine and analyze large data sets. The SEC includes links to a few speeches and presentations under this tab. The SEC uses machine learning and AI in numerous ways, including market risk assessment and helping identify risks that could result in enforcement proceedings such as the detection of potential investment adviser misconduct.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For a review of the 2014 case against BTC Trading Corp. for acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer for operating a bitcoin trading platform, see HERE.
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
To learn about the SEC’s position and concerns with crypto-related funds and ETFs, see HERE.
For more information on the SEC’s statements on online trading platforms for cryptocurrencies and more thoughts on the uncertainty and the need for even further guidance in this space, see HERE.
For a discussion of William Hinman’s speech related to ether and bitcoin and guidance in cryptocurrencies in general, see HERE.
For a review of FinCEN’s role in cryptocurrency offerings and money transmitter businesses, see HERE.
For a review of Wyoming’s blockchain legislation, see HERE.
For a review of FINRA’s request for public comment on FinTech in general and blockchain, see HERE.
For my three-part case study on securities tokens, including a discussion of bounty programs and dividend or airdrop offerings, see HERE; HERE; and HERE.
For a summary of three recent speeches by SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce, including her views on crypto and blockchain, and the SEC’s denial of a crypto-related fund or ETF, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Anthony L.G., PLLC
A Corporate Law Firm
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provide ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded public companies as well as private companies going public on the Nasdaq, NYSE American or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For more than two decades Anthony L.G., PLLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker-dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions, securities token offerings and initial coin offerings, Regulation A/A+ offerings, as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-3, S-8 and merger registrations on Form S-4; compliance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including Nasdaq and NYSE American; general corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Ms. Anthony and her firm represent both target and acquiring companies in merger and acquisition transactions, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. The ALG legal team assists Pubcos in complying with the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the small-cap and middle market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, Corporate Finance in Focus. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Ms. Anthony is a member of various professional organizations including the Crowdfunding Professional Association (CfPA), Palm Beach County Bar Association, the Florida Bar Association, the American Bar Association and the ABA committees on Federal Securities Regulations and Private Equity and Venture Capital. She is a supporter of several community charities including siting on the board of directors of the American Red Cross for Palm Beach and Martin Counties, and providing financial support to the Susan Komen Foundation, Opportunity, Inc., New Hope Charities, the Society of the Four Arts, the Norton Museum of Art, Palm Beach County Zoo Society, the Kravis Center for the Performing Arts and several others. She is also a financial and hands-on supporter of Palm Beach Day Academy, one of Palm Beach’s oldest and most respected educational institutions. She currently resides in Palm Beach with her husband and daughter.
Ms. Anthony is an honors graduate from Florida State University College of Law and has been practicing law since 1993.
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Security or Utility Token? A Case Study – Part I
Is it a security or is it a utility, currency, commodity or some other digital asset? That question has been continuously raised by those working with digital assets such as cryptocurrencies, virtual coins and tokens, including by digital asset issuers and companies that run platforms for the issuance or trading of such digital assets. Although the first and easy answer is that if a digital asset is being issued today, it is most assuredly a security upon issuance that needs to comply with the federal securities laws, the answer is not always that straightforward for digital assets that have been in the marketplace for a period of time, such as bitcoin and ether, or for new digital assets that are carefully being constructed to fall outside the purview of a securitized token.
The “STO” standing for security token offering has quickly gained favor alongside “ICO” with an industry-understood distinction. An STO is designed to be a security or financial instrument offering usually backed by stock, assets, revenues or profits in a company. An ICO may or may not be designed to be a security or financial instrument upon issuance, has utility or commodity attributes, and often involves a token offering entirely outside of the United States precluding US investors (some doing so more successfully than others, but that is another topic).
In this three-part blog, I will lay out fact patterns and analyze whether a digital asset is a security including (i) the issued- and trading-for-years Oldie Token; (ii) the about-to-be-issued Functional Token; and (iii) the newly-issued-as-a-dividend Free Token including a discussion of the definition of a “sale” under the Securities Act and its cousin, the Bounty Token.
Sources Applicable to an Analysis of all Digital Assets
In determining whether a digital asset is a security and/or needs to comply with the U.S. federal securities laws in its issuance and distribution, at least the following sources should be reviewed and considered by securities counsel. This is not a comprehensive list of facts and circumstances, and the evolving state of the U.S. and international laws must also be considered, but it covers the basics.
- The Securities Act;
- The Exchange Act;
- SEC v. W.J. Howey Co., 328 U.S. 293 (1946) (“Howey”);
- Reves v. Ernst & Young, 494 U.S. 56 (1990) (“Reves”);
- Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a) of the Exchange Act: The DAO (July 25, 2017)(the “DAO Report”);
- In the Matter of Munchee Inc. (“Munchee Order”);
- Statement on Cryptocurrencies and Initial Coin Offerings (SEC Chairman Jay Clayton) (December 11, 2017) (“SEC Cryptocurrency Statement”);
- Speech by William Hinman, the Director of the SEC Division of Corporation Finance at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit on June 14, 2018;
- SEC v. PlexCorps et al., Civil Action No. 17-cv-07007 (E.D. N.Y., filed December 1, 2017) (“PlexCorp Litigation”);
- In the Matter of Tomahawk Exploration LLC et al (“Tomahawk Matter”);
- The Bitcoin White Paper;
- The Ethereum White Paper;
- The MUN Coin White Paper;
- The PlexCoin White Paper;
- Any and all recent statements, speeches or enforcement proceedings by the SEC; and
- The White Paper and all relevant documents associated with the particular Digital Asset.
This blog and case study is limited to an analysis of the U.S. federal securities laws and does not include any state or international securities laws nor the applicability of any regulations promulgated under or enforced by any other U.S. regulators such as the CFTC, FinCEN or the IRS.
The Oldie Token
The Oldie Token was a fair launch without any presale, ICO, pre-mine or distribution to the Oldie Token Team. No central company or entity was in charge of the initial launch. An international group of developers, building on the idea of John Doe, the founder of the idea on which Oldie Token is based (the “Initial Founders”), created the core code for the Oldie Token. Members of the developer community donated bitcoin, fiat currencies, coin and their time in a collaborative effort to launch, develop and maintain the Oldie Token.
The Oldie Token Team released 10 million coins during its Proof-of-Work phase and has a total upper limit of 15 million coins. Following the initial release, a team of developers and hundreds of contributors launched the Oldie Token open-source code on Github, the Oldie Token switched from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake and began trading on several cryptocurrency exchanges. Tokens continue to be issued via mining and as compensation for on initial graphical works, website maintenance, code updates and other contributions to the Oldie Token project.
A few years after the initial issuance of the Oldie Token, the Initial Founders formed a Foundation to direct the continued development of the Oldie Token on open source blockchain. Over time developers have made changes and upgrades to the Oldie Token code including to the wallet, programming which enables user to register names on a server linked to the blockchain and send and receive Oldie Token, data storage and messaging. The Foundation also solicits donations to spend on further development on the open sourced Oldie Token blockchain. The Foundation is based in Switzerland.
Legal Analysis
As I’ve written about many times, the offering or sale of a security requires registration under the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws, unless it is able to fit within an exemption from registration. Registration under the Securities Act requires the issuer of the security to file a registration statement or offering circular in the case of Regulation A+ offerings, containing specified disclosure about the issuer, its management and business, including financial information. Likewise, the resale of a security by an existing security holder must either be registered or exempt from registration. The registration statement or offering circular is subject to review by the SEC before it can be used for the offer and sale of a security. The process can be both time-consuming and expensive.
Exemptions from registration under both the Securities Act and applicable state securities laws are generally designed for limited offerings of securities to qualified offerees, such as “accredited investors.” Broad-based solicitation without limits on the number or qualifications of offerees, or value of the offering, would make it difficult, if not impossible, to qualify for an exemption.
The registration requirements, or necessity to utilize an exemption, only apply to securities and accordingly, if Oldie Token is not a security, it could be issued or resold without compliance with the federal securities laws.
The Securities Act defines the term “security” broadly to include “investment contracts.” Several tests have been used by the SEC and the courts to determine whether an offering involves an investment contract and thus a security, with the most commonly used test being the “Howey test.” The SEC relied on the Howey test in its DAO Report in determining that certain offerings of tokens may be deemed securities.
As set forth below, I conclude that the Oldie Token is not a security requiring compliance with the federal securities laws.
The Howey Test
The US Supreme Court case of SEC v Howey, 328 U.S. 293 (1946) established the test for whether an arrangement involves an investment contract. An investment contract is a type of security. In Howey, the Supreme Court noted that the term “investment contract” has been used to classify those instruments that are of a “more variable character” that may be considered a form of “contract, transaction, or scheme whereby an investor lays out money in a way intended to secure income or profit from its employment.” The Howey test can be expressed as three independent elements (the third element encompasses both the third and fourth prongs of the traditional Howey test). All three elements must be met in order for a token or cryptocurrency to be a security, including (i) An investment of money, (ii) in a common enterprise, (iii) with an expectation of profits predominantly from the efforts of others. For more on the Howey test, see HERE.
(i) Investment of Money. Under Howey, and case law following it, an investment of money may include not only the provision of capital, assets and cash, but also goods, services or a promissory note. Given the broad definition of investment, Oldie Token distributed to developers for mining or other services to the Oldie Token Project may satisfy this part of the test, but it is also possible that a court might view the individual efforts of the miners or developers differently and conclude that no investment of money has occurred.
(ii) Common Enterprise. Different circuits use different tests to analyze whether a common enterprise exists. Three approaches predominate: (a) horizontal; (b) narrow vertical; and (c) broad vertical.
- Under the horizontal test, a common enterprise is deemed to exist where multiple investors pool funds into an investment and the profits of each investor equal a prorated portion of the total profits of the pool. See, e.g., Curran v. Merrill Lynch, 622 F.2nd 216 (6th Cir. 1980). Whether funds are pooled appears to be the key question, and thus in cases where there is no sharing of profits or pooling of funds, a common enterprise may not be deemed to exist. For example, a court has found that a discretionary trading account was not an investment contract because there was no pooling of funds.
Under the horizontal test, the Oldie Token may be considered a common enterprise — notwithstanding the absence of a pooling of funds — where the reward for work, through mining or the contribution of other services, correlates to the reward received by the miners, developers or other members of the Oldie Token community receiving Oldie Token. Thus, although the Foundation has some control over the protocol, the rewards in the form of Oldie Token would likely be correlated.
- Under the narrow vertical test, the key is whether the profits of an investor are tied to the promoter. For example, a court has found that the imposition of profit limitations on investors through requiring a promoter to receive an excess return rate tied to the investors return, satisfied this test. This test generally relates to income earned by a promoter from profits derived from participants.
- Under the broad vertical test, the critical fact is whether the success of the investor depends on the promoter’s expertise. If there is such a reliance, then a common enterprise is deemed to exist.
Under either of the vertical approaches, however, a common enterprise may not exist given the decentralized nature of the Oldie Token blockchain framework. This is because those who receive Oldie Tokens depend on their own efforts (mining or otherwise), rather than on any expertise of the Foundation or the Oldie Token Team (even though the Foundation may in some cases control or influence technical permission or changes to the protocol). The key is the degree of control exerted by the Foundation; where there is less reliance on the Foundation’s expertise, there is less likelihood that the Oldie Token blockchain would be viewed as being part of a common enterprise.
The law on what constitutes a “common enterprise” is unclear and a definitive conclusion is not possible. Nevertheless, given that at no time has the Oldie Project received any funds from the issuance of the Oldie Token, and instead relies on donations, including donations made to the Foundation, to create, support and maintain the Oldie Token blockchain, a court would not be likely to find that the common enterprise element is satisfied. This is all the more the case since there was no presale of the Oldie Token or distribution to members of the Oldie Team.
An alternative test, sometimes called the “risk capital test,” focuses on whether the holder of an investment may be deemed passive, and in being passive, relying on the efforts of others. This test has four parts: (i) are any funds raised for use by a venture or enterprise; (ii) who is the target investor (i.e., is it the public generally, or a group comprised only of those with specialized interest or expertise in the area relating to the investment); (iii) how much influence do investors have on the success of the enterprise; and (iv) is the investor’s investment substantially at risk? The risk capital test does not seem applicable to the facts and circumstances of the Oldie Token distribution since it generally applies only in a limited number of jurisdictions, and typically is applied only in the context of “startup” capitalization for a business. Cases relating to the risk capital test generally relate to memberships in a club-like organization that does not allow commercial exploitation for profit, but only create a right of personal use. To the contrary, our fictional Oldie Token blockchain is an open-source system which allows for exploitation of the system by the Oldie Token owner. The Oldie Token Project does not receive funds from the issuance of Oldie Token. Moreover, the target investor in Oldie Token is the Oldie Token developer community, rather than the general investor class.
(iii) Expectation of Profit from the Efforts of Others. Under this element of the test, profit refers to the type of return or income an investor seeks on their investment (rather than the profits that might be earned from using the Oldie Token blockchain). This could refer to any type of return or income earned from being the owner of an Oldie Token, but for purpose of the Howey test and a securities law analysis would only include profits earned passively from the efforts of others. In other words, it is the essentially passive nature of the return, utilizing the efforts of others, that results in an “investment contract” and determination of the existence of a security, rather than a simple contract which in itself would not be a security.
In determining whether profits arise from the efforts of others, courts have been flexible including situations where there is significant or essential managerial or other efforts necessary to the success of the investment. An expectation of profits resulting from receipt of an Oldie Token primarily relates to whether the holder receives (i) rights or (ii) investment interests. While the holder of an Oldie Token may receive some form of financial incentive inherent in the Oldie Token’s current and potential value, these incentives are primarily derived through the efforts of the holder of the Oldie Token, whether obtained by mining or by providing other services, or whether developed outside of the open-source blockchain protocol.
That is, owners of an Oldie Token can utilize, contribute to or even license their own contribution to the Oldie Token blockchain in various ways, none of which would be considered a passive investment. Owners of Oldie Token received by mining or for services would be better viewed as active participants, like franchisees or licensees. Although the Foundation may have some managerial oversight over the Oldie Token blockchain, including the distribution of the Oldie Token, the Foundation seeks the consensus of the Oldie Token community to make changes to the protocol, again making the owners active participants.
The appreciation in the value of the Oldie Token after issuance, due to secondary trading, should not affect the analysis of whether an Oldie Token is an investment contract and thus a security. Other rights that are not investment contracts or securities, such as loyalty points, airline points, licenses and franchise rights, can increase in value over time due to the secondary market for those assets.
The manner in which the Oldie Token is distributed to developers and miners, particularly the promotion and marketing, likely affects the “expectation of profits” analysis. For example, we assume that since the Oldie Project’s public statements do not include words like “returns” or “profits” derived from the Oldie Token.
Reves and the Family Resemblance Test
An analysis of Reves and the “family resemblance test” as formulated by the Supreme Court in Reves v. Ernst & Young is only appropriate when determining whether a loan is a security under the Securities Laws. Reves focused on the term “note” rather than the term “investment contract” as such terms are included in the definition of a security under the Securities Laws. There is nothing about the Oldie Token that suggests it could be a debt obligation or that any party has an obligation of repayment. That is also generally the case with any token or coin. For more on the Reves test, see HERE.
License/Contract Right Considerations
Providing access to the open-source Oldie Token blockchain can be analogized to the grant of a license. Because software licenses are typically governed by contract law, one possible analysis would be to focus on the rights associated with the license that are granted by the licensor to the licensee. For example, the licensor’s rights would include the ability to grant or distribute all, some or none of the rights attached to the use of the software code (originally the licensor’s intellectual property), as well as the right to exclude certain parties from using any of those rights. Thus, the licensee would receive all of these rights, or a portion of these rights depending on what the licensor grants.
In the context of a license of the Oldie Token blockchain, if any, the Foundation would act as the licensor of the system, which includes the right to use the Oldie Token blockchain, but which does not include most other proprietary rights, including the right to assign or sublicense the Oldie Token blockchain or transfer any rights, other than those created by the developer/miner (licensee) by its independent contribution to a side blockchain, albeit one which builds on the public open-source Oldie Token blockchain. There are no voting rights inherent in the Oldie Token or provided to donors or other members of the Oldie Token community (other than, of course, the Board of the Foundation); at best there is an expectation that decisions will be made by consensus, and that users may use the Oldie Token blockchain for their own purposes, independent of the Foundation. Thus, of the bundle of rights, the only right is to use the Oldie Token blockchain, like any other open-source code. This limitation could be used to argue that the right is more analogous to a limited contract right rather than a security.
The DAO Report
The SEC has advised that tokens may be securities in certain circumstances, generally when involving raising capital for the issuer or seller of the tokens. On July 25, 2017, the SEC issued the DAO Report detailing its investigation into whether the DAO (an unincorporated “decentralized autonomous organization”), Slock.iotUG (“Slock.it”), its co-founders, and intermediaries violated the federal securities laws. Utilizing the Howey test, the SEC determined that the tokens issued by the DAO are securities under the Securities Laws and advised that those who would use distributed ledger or blockchain-enabled means for capital raising must take appropriate steps to comply with the Securities Laws (e.g., register the offering or qualify for an exemption from registration).
The DAO Report emphasized that whether a particular investment transaction involves the offer or sale of security is not dependent on the terminology used, but rather on the facts and circumstances, including the economic realities of the transaction. For more on the DAO Report, see HERE.
As detailed in the DAO Report, the concept of the DAO was memorialized in a white paper (the “DAO White Paper”) authored by the Chief Technology Officer of Slock.it. In the DAO White Paper Slock.it proposed an entity (a DAO entity) that would use smart contracts to attempt to solve governance issues it describes as inherent in traditional corporations. Slock.it organized a DAO as a crowdfunding contract to raise funds to grow a company in the crypto space. The DAO was a for-profit entity where participants would send ETH to the DAO to purchase DAO tokens, which would permit the participant to vote and entitle the participant to “rewards.” The White Paper described this as similar to “buying shares in a company and getting . . . dividends.” The DAO was to be “decentralized” in that it would allow for voting by investors holding DAO tokens. All funds raised were to be held at an Ethereum Blockchain “address” associated with the DAO and the DAO token holders were to vote on contract proposals, including proposals to the DAO to fund projects. Based on the vote of the DAO token holders, the DAO would use any “rewards” from the projects it funded to either fund new projects or distribute them to the DAO token holders. The DAO was intended to be “autonomous” in that project proposals were in the form of smart contracts that exist on the Ethereum blockchain and the votes were administered by the code of the DAO.
As described in the DAO Report, Slock.it was the promoter of the DAO and its tokens because it launched a website to describe and facilitate the DAO token sale, solicited media attention by posting updates on websites and online forums, communicated to the public about how to participate in the DAO token sale and retained the right to choose the “curators” that would determine what proposals to put to a vote by DAO token holders.
In applying the Howey test, the SEC found that the DAO’s investors relied on the managerial and entrepreneurial efforts of Slock.it, its co-founders, and the DAO’s curators to manage the DAO and generate profits.
Generally, the Oldie Project has a substantially different focus than that of the DAO. The DAO was focused on providing incentives for investment and promoting sales of the DAO token. Slock.it did this by emphasizing the DAO token’s potential for profits by distributions/dividends and appreciation in value. Oldie Tokens are not sold for other currency, fiat or virtual, but are issued for the contributions made by the miners/developers to the Oldie Token blockchain from which they benefit themselves. Moreover, the role of the Oldie Team and the Foundation is different from that of Slock.it, primarily in that, unlike Slock.it, neither the Oldie Team or the Foundation receive payment for their role and neither actively promotes the Oldie Token as an investment.
The Munchee Order
On December 11, 2017, the SEC issued a cease-and-desist order against Munchee, Inc. (“Munchee”) to stop Munchee’s ICO and require it to return to investors the funds it collected through the sale of its MUN token. The SEC found that Munchee’s token sale constituted an offering of securities in violation of the Securities Laws.
In applying the Howey test to the offering of the MUN token, the SEC gave little weight to the fact that Munchee characterized the MUN token as a “utility” token because of their functional use in connection with the business model of Munchee. Instead, the SEC focused on the manner in which the offering of the MUN token was marketed. In connection with the ICO, Munchee described how MUN tokens were expected to increase in value, especially as the result of Munchee’s future efforts. The SEC noted that Munchee made statements in its White Paper, on blogs, podcast and Facebook posts that suggested that investors would profit from purchasing MUN tokens. In addition, Munchee endorsed statements made by other commentators that highlighted the opportunity for profit through the purchase of MUN tokens, including, for example, by linking their public post on their Facebook page about the offering (“199% GAINS on MUN token at ICO price!”) to a YouTube video in which the person featured claimed that if investors got in early enough on ICOs they would make a profit. Munchee also stated in a blog post that investors could count on the burning of MUN tokens by Munchee from time to time to increase value.
In the Munchee Order the SEC noted that in its White Paper, Munchee said that they would work to cause MUN tokens to be listed on various exchanges to ensure that a secondary trading market would exist for MUN tokens. The SEC viewed such statements as priming “purchasers’ reasonable expectations of profit” and that “[p]urchasers would reasonably believe that they could profit by holding or trading MUN tokens, whether or not they ever used the Munchee App or otherwise participated in the MUM ‘ecosystem,’ based on Munchee’s statements in its MUN White Paper and other materials.”
In addition to concluding that purchasers of MUN tokens would have a reasonable expectation of profits based on Munchee’s states, the SEC concluded that those profits would be based primarily on the future efforts of Munchee. In the Munchee Order, the SEC said:
The proceeds of the MUN token offering were intended to be used by Munchee to build an “ecosystem” that would create demand for MUN tokens and make MUN tokens more valuable. Munchee was to revise the Munchee App so that people could buy and sell services using MUN tokens and was to recruit “partners” such as restaurants willing to sell meals for MUN tokens. The investors reasonably expected they would profit from any rise in the value of the MUN tokens created by the revised Munchee App and by Munchee’s ability to create an “ecosystem” – for example, the system described in the offering where restaurants would want to use MUN tokens to buy advertising from Munchee or to pay rewards to app users, and where app users would want to use MUN tokens to pay for restaurant meals and would want to write reviews to obtain MUN tokens.
The SEC focused on the ongoing efforts by Munchee after the token sale. However, in most cases token issuers intend to use at least a portion of the proceeds from the sale to further develop the token ecosystem. In the Oldie Token context, the work done by developers and miners, and other contributors to the Oldie Token project is rewarded with Oldie Tokens. I do not think that the SEC intended by its statements in the Munchee Order to require an issuer of cryptocurrencies to refrain from any ongoing development and promotional activities for its blockchain once it issues a cryptocurrency coin.
I believe that had the Munchee ecosystem been built and usable at the time of sale and had Munchee not marketed and promoted the MUN tokens in a manner that focused on the future profit and investment potential of MUN tokens and had instead focused on how the MUN token would be used in Munchee’s ecosystem and why the token was an important component of using and accessing the ecosystem, the SEC may not have found the token to be a security.
The SEC noted that Munchee focused on people interested in investing and making profits, not current users of the Munchee app or “people who, for example, might have wanted MUN tokens to buy advertising or increase their ‘tier’ as a reviewer on the Munchee App.” This is different from the Oldie Team and Foundation’s focus on miners/developers and members of the Oldie Token community who can contribute to the development of the Oldie Project (ecosystem) and not on the profits that may be derived from holding and investing in Oldie Token.
Realistically, in most cases, the developers and team involved in the creation of the cryptocurrency coin, such as is the case for the Oldie Team, will continue to play some form of role in supporting and developing the blockchain. This, in and of itself, is not a fatal fact. However, if the cryptocurrency has little or no functionality at the time of sale, as was the case with Munchee, the SEC may view this as indicative that the initial purchasers are passive investors hoping to make a profit as opposed to those desiring to participate in the development of the blockchain or to gain access to the products or services that will ultimately be provided through the blockchain’s ecosystem.
SEC Cryptocurrency Statement
Concurrently with the release of the Munchee Order, the SEC’s Chairman, Jay Clayton, released a statement on cryptocurrencies and ICOs that provides some additional insights into the SEC’s mindset in reviewing cryptocurrencies. He stated that “I believe that initial coin offerings – whether they represent offerings of securities or not – can be effective ways for entrepreneurs and others to raise funding, including for innovative projects.” He also reemphasized in his statement that “replacing a traditional corporate interest recorded in a central ledger with an enterprise interest recorded through a block chain entry on a distributed ledger may change the form of the transaction, but it does not change the substance.”
SEC v. PlexCorps
On December 1, 2017, the SEC’s newly created Cyber Unit filed a civil enforcement action in federal court against PlexCorps in connection with its ICO or the cryptocurrency “PlexCoin.” On December 4, 2017, the court granted the SEC’s request for an emergency freeze on PlexCorps assets. The PlexCoin White Paper written by PlexCorp characterizes PlexCoin as “the new Bitcoin.” It states that it is comparable to bitcoin but with faster confirmation speeds. However, in the PlexCorps White Paper, PlexCoin promised an investment return of 1,354% for presale purchasers. The SEC viewed these as fraudulent misrepresentations designed to promote the purchase of over $15 million in PlexCoins.
Although the PlexCorp litigation and the facts of the case have some similarities with that of the Oldie Token Project, there are significant differences, most notably the manner in which Oldie Token has been promoted, as a tool for the developer community and those who use the Oldie Token blockchain for their own business purposes, apart from the Oldie Team and the Foundation. I do not think this changes the analysis or warrants the finding that the Oldie Token blockchain as directed by the Oldie Team and the Foundation would be deemed a security.
Based on this analysis, I would be comfortable concluding that the Oldie Token is not a security requiring compliance with the federal securities laws. In the next chapter in this three-part blog series, I will set forth facts and analyze how a new token could be created and issued without being a security, and facts and circumstances which sway the argument in the other direction.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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« SEC Strategic Plan Securities Token Or Not? A Case Study – Part II »
Wyoming’s Blockchain Legislation
Wyoming continues to position itself as a business-friendly state most recently by passing groundbreaking blockchain legislation defining cryptocurrency coins or tokens as a whole new asset class separate from securities and commodities. While it is unlikely that Wyoming’s new statutes will impact the SEC’s view that most, if not all, cryptocurrencies, or at least those issued to investors or used for capital raising, are securities, or the CFTC’s view that cryptocurrencies that are used as a medium of exchange, are a commodity, Wyoming has done what federal lawmakers have not yet endeavored – created comprehensive blockchain legislation.
In March 2018, Wyoming passed five separate bills addressing securities, corporate, banking and tax matters which could entice cryptocurrency and blockchain businesses to locate within the state. The statutes are part of an initiative in Wyoming called ENDOW – Economically Needed Diversity Options for Wyoming.
HB 19
Wyoming House Bill 19 provides an exemption for virtual currency, including bitcoin and ethereum, used within Wyoming from money transmitter laws and regulations subject to providing certain specified verification authority to the Wyoming Secretary of State and Wyoming Banking Commissioner. The specified verification authority includes representations, warranties and undertakings by the issuer of “utility tokens” to confirm beneficial ownership of the token and to prevent unauthorized or fraudulent duplication of the token by third parties.
HB 19 defines a “virtual currency” as “any type of digital representation of value that: (i) is used as a medium of exchange, unit of account or store of value; and (ii) is not recognized as legal tender by the United States government.”
As a reminder, the CFTC has regulatory oversight over futures, options, and derivatives contracts on virtual currencies and has oversight to pursue claims of fraud or manipulation involving a virtual currency traded in interstate commerce. Beyond instances of fraud or manipulation, the CFTC generally does not oversee “spot” or cash market exchanges and transactions involving virtual currencies that do not utilize margin, leverage or financing. Rather, these “exchanges” are regulated as payment processors or money transmitters under state law.
However, despite the Wyoming state law exemption, businesses which issue or exchange these tokens would still be subject to FinCEN’s regulations and the requirements to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA). The BSA requires virtual currency exchangers and administrators, including those businesses that issue a virtual currency in exchange for other virtual currencies, fiat currency or types of value, to complete anti-money laundering (AML), know your customer (KYC) and other procedures to combat the financing of terrorism and prevent or detect the abuse of virtual currency to facilitate cyber-crime, money laundering, terrorist financing, black market sales of illegal or illicit products and services and other high-tech crimes. For more on FinCEN and the BSA, see HERE.
HB 70
Wyoming House Bill 70 removes utility tokens from specified securities and money transmission laws. In particular, any person that develops, sells or facilitates the exchange of an open blockchain utility token would not be required to comply with specified securities and money transmission laws subject to providing specified verification authority. The purpose of the statute is to make clear that utility tokens issued for non-investment purposes, are exempt from the Wyoming securities laws including registration and exemption provisions and broker-dealer registration requirements.
HB 70 defines an “open blockchain token” as a digital unit which is: (i) created (a) in response to the verification or collection of a specified number of transactions relating to a digital ledger or database, (b) by deploying computer code to a blockchain network that allows for the creation of digital tokens or other units, or (c) using any combination of (a) and (b); (ii) recorded in a digital ledger or database that is chronological, consensus-based, decentralized and mathematically verified, especially related to the supply of units and their distributions; and (iii) capable of being traded or transferred between persons without an intermediary or custodian of value.
HB 70 provides that the purpose of the token must be for “a consumptive purpose, which shall only be exchangeable for, or provided for the receipt of, goods, services or content, including rights of access to goods, services or content.”
Furthermore, HB 70 would not apply where the developer or seller of the token sold the token to the initial buyer as a financial investment. The requirement that the token not be an investment can only be satisfied if: (i) the developer or seller does not market the token as a financial investment; and (ii) at least one of the following is true: (a) the developer or seller reasonably believed that it sold the token for a consumptive purpose; (b) the token has a consumptive purpose that is available at the time of sale and can be used at or near the time of sale; (c) if the token does not have a consumptive purpose at the time of sale, the token is prevented from being resold until the consumptive purpose is available; or (d) the developer or seller takes other reasonable precautions to prevent the buyers from purchasing the token as a financial investment.
The SEC has been clear in numerous statements that it believes that tokens that are issued for the purpose of capital raising and an increase in value, are securities offerings that must comply with the federal securities laws. The SEC’s position relates to factors such as the method of issuance and sale of the tokens, use of proceeds, investment intent and expectation of profit, ability to increase value, whether the “utility” has been built out or established, and ability for secondary trading. The SEC has specifically not taken into account the ultimate utility value of the token, nor directly answered the oft asked question of whether a token that is issued in a securities offering, can then morph into a commodity or other asset class, not subject to the securities laws. It is my view, and the general view of the marketplace, that “utility tokens” can be sold in a “securities offering.”
Although the Wyoming statute attempts to address the investment intent, and even appears to attempt to address the SEC main criteria, I would suggest that issuers of any tokens should continue to comply with the federal securities laws until there is further guidance and certainty at the federal level.
SF 111
SF 111 provides that virtual currency is not subject to taxation as “property” in Wyoming. That is, virtual currency would be treated as personal property, not subject to Wyoming property taxes. SF 111 amends a prior statute that exempted money and cash on hand, currency, gold, silver and related items by adding virtual currencies. Like HB 19, SF 111 defines a “virtual currency” as “any type of digital representation of value that: (i) is used as a medium of exchange, unit of account or store of value; and (ii) is not recognized as legal tender by the United States government.”
HB 101
HB 101 allows for the maintenance of corporate records of Wyoming entities via blockchain that utilizes electronic keys, network signatures and digital receipts. In particular, the Act authorizes the use of electronic networks or databases for the creation or maintenance of corporate records, authorizes the use of a data address to identify shareholders, authorizes the acceptance of shareholder votes if signed by a network signature that corresponds to a data address and specifies the requirements for the use of electronic networks and databases. In addition, the Act requires the secretary of state to review and update its rules for consistency.
HB 126
HB 126 allows the creation and use of “series LLC’s.” Delaware is well known for its series LLC statute. Series LLC have become popular in the blockchain space and accordingly it is thought that this will attract blockchain-based businesses.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For a review of the 2014 case against BTC Trading Corp. for acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer for operating a bitcoin trading platform, see HERE.
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC’s role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
To learn about the SEC’s position and concerns with crypto-related funds and ETFs, see HERE.
For more information on platforms that trade cryptocurrencies and more on the continued regulatory confusion in the space, see HERE.
For information on FinCEN’s role and requirements related to the cryptocurrency marketplace, including requirements for issuers of ICOs, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
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« Proposed SPAC Rule Changes SEC Issues Additional C&DI On Use Of Non-GAAP Measures »
FinCEN’S Role In Cryptocurrency Offerings
In the continuing dilemma over determining just what kind of asset a cryptocurrency is, multiple regulators have expressed opinions and differing views on regulations. Likewise, multiple regulators have conducted investigations and initiated enforcement proceedings against those in the cybersecurity space. The SEC has asserted the opinion that most, if not all, cryptocurrencies are securities; the CFTC has found them to be commodities; the IRS’s official definition is the same as the CFTC, and in particular a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and/or a store of value, and now the Financial Crime Enforcement Network (FinCEN) has asserted that issuers of cryptocurrencies are money transmitters.
In particular, in a letter written to the US Senate Committee on Finance on February 13, 2018, FinCEN indicates that it expects issuers of initial coin offerings (ICOs) to comply with the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), including its anti-money laundering (AML) and know your customer (KYC) requirements. FinCEN’s letter responded to a December 14, 2017 directed to it from the US Senate Committee on Finance requesting information on FinCEN’s oversight and enforcement capabilities over virtual currency financial activities. As with other agencies such as the SEC and CFTC, FinCEN desires to promote the financial innovation that can come with blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies, while preventing criminals, hackers, sanctions evaders and hostile foreign actors.
Virtual currency exchanges and administrators
FinCEN has been working with the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence (FTI) to ensure that AML and procedures to combat the financing of terrorism apply to virtual currency exchanges and administrators that are in the US or do business in whole or part in the US, but do not have a physical presence here. Virtual currency exchanges and administrators have been subject to the BSA’s money transmitter requirements since 2011. In 2013 FinCEN issued specific guidance that explicitly states that virtual currency exchangers and administrators are money transmitters that must comply with the BSA. An exchange that sells ICO coins or tokens, or exchanges them for other virtual currency, fiat currency or other value that substitutes for currency, is a money transmitter that is subject to the BSA.
To assist in identifying risks and the illicit use of virtual currency, including the abuse of virtual currency to facilitate cyber crime, money laundering, terrorist financing, black market sales of illegal or illicit products and services and other high-tech crimes, FinCEN examines BSA filings from virtual currency money services businesses (MSB) and other emerging payments providers, including filings pertaining to digital coins, tokens and ICOs. Trends, red flags and risks and reported to US law enforcement and other governmental agencies.
Entities that are subject to the BSA must: (i) register with FinCEN as a MSB; (ii) prepare a written AML compliance program that is designed to mitigate risks, including AML risks, and to ensure compliance with all BSA requirements including the filing of suspicious activity reports (SAR) and currency transaction reports; (iii) keep records for certain types of transactions at specific thresholds; and (iv) obtain customer identification information sufficient to comply with the AML program and recordkeeping requirements.
SAR reports that are filed with FinCEN have identifying information about the owner/customer. In cases where a bitcoin address is identified, FinCEN performs a blockchain analysis which can often enable investigators to tie it to a virtual currency exchanger, hosted wallet, or other source that may have the identity of the account owner. Blockchain network analytic tools can also tie a targeted bitcoin address to other persons that have transacted with a particular bitcoin address. The investigative process may involve the issuance of subpoenas and FinCEN cooperates with law enforcement to help identify and trace bitcoin used in criminal activity.
FinCEN also conducts reviews and exams of registered MSBs. Of the approximate 100 registered entities, FinCEN has examined approximately one-third and has initiated several enforcement proceedings as a result of those exams. However, financial crimes and terrorism are international issues and not all countries regulate virtual currency businesses or require them to keep records. Accordingly, FinCEN has been working to encourage foreign countries to regulate these businesses and to cooperate in criminal investigations.
ICO issuers
FinCEN is working with the SEC and CFTC to clarify and enforce AML and counterterrorism obligations of businesses that engage in ICO activities. Although the FinCEN letter indicates that the obligation to comply with the BSA and its ensuing AML, registration, SAR and other requirements depends on the nature of the financial activity and a facts-and-circumstances analysis, ICO participants have unilaterally interpreted the FinCEN letter as requiring all ICO issuers to comply in one way or another.
FinCEN specifically states that an issuer that sells convertible virtual currency, including in the form of ICO coins or tokens, in exchange for another type of value, including fiat currency, is a money transmitter that must register as an MSB and comply with the BSA, including AML and KYC procedures. However, to the extent that an ICO involves the sale of securities or derivatives that would be under the jurisdiction of the SEC through its regulation of broker-dealers or CFTC through its regulation of merchants and brokers in commodities, those entities could comply with the SEC and CFTC’s AML and counterterrorism requirements.
The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) specifically requires brokerage firms to comply with the BSA and FinCEN rules. Brokerage firms are also required to comply with AML rules established by FINRA, including FINRA Rule 3310. The purpose of the AML rules is to help detect and report suspicious activity including the predicate offenses to money laundering and terrorist financing, such as securities fraud and market manipulation. FINRA also provides a template to assist small firms in establishing and complying with AML procedures.
In May 2016, FinCEN issued new final rules under the BSA requiring financing institutions, including brokerage firms, to adopt additional anti-money laundering (AML) procedures that include specific due diligence and ongoing monitoring requirements related to customer risk profiles and customer information. The rules also require financial institutions to collect and verify information about beneficial owners and control person of legal entity customers. My blog on those rules can be read HERE.
FinCEN requires that financial institutions address the following four key elements in all of their AML programs: (i) customer identification and verification; (ii) beneficial ownership identification and verification; (iii) understanding the nature and purpose of customer relationships to develop risk profiles; and (iv) ongoing monitoring for reporting suspicious transactions and maintaining and updating customer information.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For a review of the 2014 case against BTC Trading Corp. for acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer for operating a bitcoin trading platform, see HERE.
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
To learn about the SEC’s position and concerns with crypto-related funds and ETFs, see HERE.
For more information on platforms that trade cryptocurrencies and more on the continued regulatory confusion in the space, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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© Legal & Compliance, LLC 2018
« Regulation A For Publicly Reporting Companies, Economic Growth and Regulatory Relief SEC Amends Definition of “A Smaller Reporting Company” »
The SEC Has Provided Guidance On Ether and Bitcoin, Sort Of
On June 14, 2018, William Hinman, the Director of the SEC Division of Corporation Finance, gave a speech at Yahoo Finance’s All Markets Summit in which he made two huge revelations for the crypto marketplace. The first is that he believes a cryptocurrency issued in a securities offering could later be purchased and sold in transactions not subject to the securities laws. The second is that Ether and Bitcoin are not currently securities. Also, for the first time, Hinman gives the marketplace guidance on how to structure a token or coin such that it might not be a security.
While this gives the marketplace much-needed guidance on the topic, a speech by an executive with the SEC has no legal force. As a result, the blogs and press responding to Mr. Hinman’s speech have been mixed. Personally, I think it is a significant advancement in the regulatory uncertainty surrounding the crypto space and a signal that more constructive guidance will soon follow. I will summarize the entire speech later in this blog, but first right to the most salient point.
Although a speech by an SEC official does not have legal weight, it does give practitioners a firm foot on which to proceed. William Hinman is the Director of the Division of Corporation Finance (“CorpFin”), whose responsibility includes reviewing and commenting on SEC filings, a topic I’ve written about before. As described in my recent blog on the subject (see HERE), when responding to SEC comments, a company may also “go up the ladder,” so to speak, in its discussion with the CorpFin review staff. Such further discussions are not discouraged or seen as an adversarial attack in any way. For instance, if the company does not understand or agree with a comment, it may first talk to the reviewer. If that does not resolve the question, they may then ask to talk to the particular person who prepared the comment or directly with the legal branch chief or accounting branch chief identified in the letter. A company may even then proceed to speak directly with the assistant director, deputy director, and then even director.
Related to Bitcoin, Director Hinman stated, “…when I look at Bitcoin today, I do not see a central third party whose efforts are a key determining factor in the enterprise. The network on which Bitcoin functions is operational and appears to have been decentralized for some time, perhaps from inception. Applying the disclosure regime of the federal securities laws to the offer and resale of Bitcoin would seem to add little value.” Similarly, related to Ether, Mr. Hinman stated, “…putting aside the fundraising that accompanied the creation of Ether, based on my understanding of the present state of Ether, the Ethereum network and its decentralized structure, current offers and sales of Ether are not securities transactions.”
As a direct result of these statements, at least 2 of our clients, with our support, have shifted how they will proceed with Regulation A offerings in which tokens are being offered, and Bitcoin and Ether expected to be accepted as a form of payment. Prior to Mr. Hinman’s comments, CorpFin issued comments to our clients, which comment letters gave an indication of the progression of the SEC’s thinking. In particular, in an earlier letter the SEC comment was in relevant part as follows:
We note that you will accept Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin or Bitcoin Cash as payment for your common stock. Please disclose the mechanics of the transaction. For example, explain the following:
- whether the digital assets are securities and, where you have determined they are, how you will structure each individual transaction so that you are in compliance with the federal securities laws;
- disclose how long the company would typically hold these digital assets, some of which may be securities, before converting to U.S. dollars;
- include risk factor disclosure discussing the impact of holding such assets and/or accepting this form of payment, including price volatility and liquidity risks as well as risks related to the fragmentation, potential for manipulation, and general lack of regulation underlying these digital asset markets; and
- disclose how you will hold the digital assets that you may receive in this offering as payment in exchange for shares of your common stock. If you intend to act as custodian of these digital assets, some of which may be securities, please tell us whether you intend to register as a custodian with state or federal regulators and the nature of the registration.
The comment letter included many other points on cybersecurity, price volatility, risk factors and other issues not related to whether the Bitcoin or Ether were a security. In a recent comment letter for a different client, also offering tokens in a Regulation A offering and accepting Bitcoin and Ether as payment, the SEC did not issue any questions as to whether Bitcoin or Ether were a security, but did include substantially the same questions related to cybersecurity, price volatility, risk factors and other business points.
The SEC CorpFin is pragmatic in its approach and despite frustrations at times, would not allow its Division Director to make public statements and then allow its staff to issue comments or take positions that were in direct contravention to those statements. Keep in mind that SEC no-action letters technically do not set precedence or have any legal bearing outside of the parties to the letter, but are regularly relied upon by the SEC and practitioners for guidance.
Although Mr. Hinman’s speech does not have legal authority, I am confident that the SEC will not raise the issue or question whether Bitcoin or Ether are a security in current and future registration statements or Regulation A offerings, at least until there is different legal authority than exists today.… And, there could be different legal authority in the future. I attended a Regulation A conference in New York in the beginning of June, and one of the panels was related to cyrptocurrencies. In addition to attorneys in the space, the panel included Anita Bandy, Assistant Director of the SEC Division of Enforcement. Referring to token or coin offerings, one of the panel members specifically stated that Ether is a security and Ms. Bandy did not correct him. Furthermore, at the end of the panel, I privately asked Ms. Bandy if it is her opinion that Ether is a security today. She politely refused to answer the question, letting me know that she couldn’t express an opinion on that without conferring with other SEC management. Two days later, Mr. Hinman gave his speech.
…. But, Mr. Hinman is Director of CorpFin and Ms. Bandy is part of the Division of Enforcement. Although I believe that the SEC divisions are communicating with each other on the very relevant and important subject of cryptocurrency, and have even issued joint statements on the subject, they are separate. Moreover, decoding Mr. Hinman’s statements further, he said, “… putting aside the fundraising that accompanied the creation of Ether…” This begs the question: What would happen if the SEC Division of Enforcement took action related to the initial fundraising and creation of Ether, and how would that impact the current status of Ether? My thought is that they are mutually exclusive. Ether is decentralized today and will continue its own course.
The SEC Division of Enforcement could take action similar to the Munchee, Inc. case where it settled the proceeding with no civil penalty. The SEC could also issue another report on Ether similar to the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO issued a year ago in July 2017, though I don’t know what new or different information it could add to that analysis. If Ether violated the federal securities laws at its issuance, it did so in the same way as the DAO, using the SEC v. W. J. Howey Co. test. Perhaps a new report could provide more guidance as to the analysis of when a crypto reaches a point where it is decentralized enough such that it no longer meets the parameters laid out in Howey, or that might be wishful thinking on my part.
Director Hinman’s Speech “Digital Asset Transactions: When Howey Met Gary (Plastic)”
Director Hinman opens his speech with the gating question of whether a digital asset that is offered and sold as a security can, over time, become something other than a security. He then continues that in cases where the digital asset gives the holder a financial interest in an enterprise, it would remain a security. However, in cases where the enterprise becomes decentralized or the digital asset can only be used to purchase goods or services available through a network, the purchase and sale of the digital asset would no longer have to comply with the securities laws.
Reiterating the oft-repeated view of the SEC, Hinman notes that most initial coin or token offerings are substantially similar to debt or equity offerings in that they are just another way to raise money for a business or enterprise. In particular, funds are raised with the expectation that the network or system will be built and investors will get a return on their investment. The investment is often made for the purpose of the return and not by individuals that would ever use the eventual utility of the token. The return is often through the resale of the tokens or coins in a secondary market on cryptocurrency trading platforms.
In this case, the Howey Test is easy to apply to the initial investment. The Howey Test requires an investment of money in a common enterprise with an expectation of profit derived from the efforts of others. The emphasis is not on the thing being sold but the manner in which it is sold and the expectation of a return. Certainly, the thing being sold is not a security on its face; it is simply computer code. But the way it is sold – as part of an investment, to non-users, by promoters to develop the enterprise – can be, and in that context most often is, a security. Furthermore, in the case of ICOs, which are high-risk by nature, the disclosure requirements of the federal securities laws are fulfilling their purpose.
The securities laws apply to both the issuance or initial sale, and the resale of securities. In the case of coins or tokens, a careful analysis must be completed to determine if the resale of the coin or token also involves the sale of a security and compliance with the securities laws. If the network on which the token or coin is to function is sufficiently decentralized such that purchasers would not reasonably expect a person or group to carry out essential managerial or entrepreneurial efforts, the assets may no longer represent an investment contract. Moreover, when the efforts of the third party are no longer a key factor for determining the enterprise’s success, material information asymmetries recede. As a network becomes truly decentralized, the ability to identify an issuer or promoter to make the requisite disclosures becomes difficult, and less meaningful, such as with Ether and Bitcoin as discussed above.
An analysis as to whether an investment contract and therefore a security is being sold must be made based on facts and circumstances at any given time. Investment contracts can be made out of virtually any asset if it is packaged and promoted as such. Accordingly, although Bitcoin or Ether may not be a security on their own, if they were packaged as part of a fund or trust, they could be part of an investment contract that would need to comply with the federal securities laws.
Hinman provides some guidance in determining whether a particular sale involves the sale of an investment contract. The primary consideration is whether a third party, such as a person, entity, or coordinated group, drives the expectation of a return on investment. Questions to consider include:
- Is there a person or group that has sponsored or promoted the creation and sale of the digital asset, the efforts of whom play a significant role in the development and maintenance of the asset and its potential increase in value?
- Has this person or group retained a stake or other interest in the digital asset such that it would be motivated to expend efforts to cause an increase in value in the digital asset? Would purchasers reasonably believe such efforts will be undertaken and may result in a return on their investment in the digital asset?
- Has the promoter raised an amount of funds in excess of what may be needed to establish a functional network, and, if so, has it indicated how those funds may be used to support the value of the tokens or to increase the value of the enterprise? Does the promoter continue to expend funds from proceeds or operations to enhance the functionality and/or value of the system within which the tokens operate?
- Are purchasers “investing,” i.e., seeking a return? In that regard, is the instrument marketed and sold to the general public instead of to potential users of the network for a price that reasonably correlates with the market value of the good or service in the network?
- Does application of the Securities Act protections make sense? Is there a person or entity others are relying on that plays a key role in the profit-making of the enterprise such that disclosure of their activities and plans would be important to investors? Do informational asymmetries exist between the promoters and potential purchasers/investors in the digital asset?
- Do persons or entities other than the promoter exercise governance rights or meaningful influence?
Hinman then, for the first time, gives some guidance to issuers and their counsel in determining whether a particular token or coin is being structured as a security. Hinman is clear that this list of factors is not comprehensive but rather lays the groundwork for a thoughtful analysis. Items to consider include:
- Is token creation commensurate with meeting the needs of users or, rather, with feeding speculation?
- Are independent actors setting the price or is the promoter supporting the secondary market for the asset or otherwise influencing trading?
- Is it clear that the primary motivation for purchasing the digital asset is for personal use or consumption, as compared to investment? Have purchasers made representations as to their consumptive, as opposed to their investment, intent? Are the tokens available in increments that correlate with a consumptive versus investment intent?
- Are the tokens distributed in ways to meet users’ needs? For example, can the tokens be held or transferred only in amounts that correspond to a purchaser’s expected use? Are there built-in incentives that compel using the tokens promptly on the network, such as having the tokens degrade in value over time, or can the tokens be held for extended periods for investment?
- Is the asset marketed and distributed to potential users or the general public?
- Are the assets dispersed across a diverse user base or concentrated in the hands of a few that can exert influence over the application?
- Is the application fully functioning or in early stages of development?
In another step towards regulatory guidance, Hinman said the SEC is prepared to provide more formal interpretive or no-action guidance about the proper characterization of a digital asset in a proposed use. As recently as 3 months ago, the SEC had indicated it was not processing no-action letters on the subject at that time. In his speech, Hinman recognizes the implication of determining something is a security, including related to broker-dealer licensing, exchange registration, fund registration, investment advisor registration requirements, custody and valuation issues.
Hinman also expressed excitement about the potential surrounding digital ledger technology, including advancements in supply chain management, intellectual property rights licensing, and stock ownership transfers. He thinks the craze behind ICOs has passed, and I agree. In particular, as he states, realizing that securities laws apply to an ICO that funds development, industry participants have started to revert back to traditional debt or equity offerings and only selling a token once the network has been established, and then only to those that need the functionality of the network and not as an investment.
There have been earlier signs that the SEC is softening and rethinking its approach to cryptocurrencies as well. In a speech to the Medici Conference in Los Angeles on May 2, 2018, SEC Commissioner Hester M. Peirce warned against regulators stifling the innovation of blockchain by trying to label token and coins as securities and even when they are securities, being myopic on the need to fit within existing securities laws and regulations. Like Director Hinman, Commissioner Peirce encourages communication between market participants and the SEC as everyone tries to navigate the marketplace and technology.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For a review of the 2014 case against BTC Trading Corp. for acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer for operating a bitcoin trading platform, see HERE.
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
To learn about the SEC’s position and concerns with crypto-related funds and ETFs, see HERE.
For more information on the SEC’s statements on online trading platforms for cryptocurrencies and more thoughts on the uncertainty, and need for even further guidance in this space, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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Legal & Compliance, LLC makes this general information available for educational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Furthermore, the use of this information, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us via this information in any form will not be considered as privileged or confidential.
This information is not intended to be advertising, and Legal & Compliance, LLC does not desire to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this information in a jurisdiction where this information fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. This information may only be reproduced in its entirety (without modification) for the individual reader’s personal and/or educational use and must include this notice.
© Legal & Compliance, LLC 2018
« The 2017 SEC Government-Business Forum On Small Business Capital Formation Final Report SEC Spring 2018 Regulatory Agenda »
Online Platforms Trading Cryptocurrencies; Continued Uncertainty In Crypto Space
I have been writing often about the cryptocurrency marketplace and the SEC and other regulators’ statements and concerns about compliance with the federal securities laws. On July 25, 2017, the SEC issued a Section 21(a) Report on an investigation related to an initial coin offering (ICO) by the DAO, concluding that the ICO was a securities offering. In that Report the SEC stated that securities exchanges providing for trading must register unless an exemption applies. In its numerous statements on cryptocurrencies since then, the SEC has consistently reminded the public that exchanges that trade securities, including cryptocurrencies that are securities, must be licensed by the SEC.
The SEC has also stated that as of today, no such licensed securities cryptocurrency exchange exists. However, a few CFTC regulated exchanges have now listed bitcoin futures products and, in doing so, engaged in lengthy conversations with the CFTC, ultimately agreeing to implement risk mitigation and oversight measures, heightened margin requirements, and added information sharing agreements with the underlying bitcoin trading platforms.
The topic of the registration of exchanges for trading cryptocurrencies is not new to regulators. Years before the Section 21(a) DAO Report and crypto craze, on December 8, 2014, the SEC settled charges against BTC Virtual Stock Exchange and LTC-Global Virtual Stock Exchange, which traded securities using virtual currencies, bitcoin or litecoin. According to the SEC release on the matter, “the exchanges provided account holders the ability to use bitcoin or litecoin to buy, sell, and trade securities of businesses (primarily virtual currency-related entities) listed on the exchanges’ websites. The venues weren’t registered as broker-dealers despite soliciting the public to open accounts and trade securities. The venues weren’t registered as stock exchanges despite enlisting issuers to offer securities for the public to buy and sell.” The exchanges charged and collected transaction-based compensation for each executed trade on the platforms.
Since the Section 21(a) DAO Report, most of the statements from the SEC and other regulators have focused on ICOs and the issuance of cryptocurrencies as opposed to focusing on the exchanges that trade cryptos. On March 7, 2018, the SEC finally issued a public statement directed specifically to online platforms for the trading of digital assets – i.e., cryptocurrencies. This blog will summarize that statement. Also, at the end of this blog is a list with links to my numerous other blogs on the topic of distributed ledger technology (blockchain), cryptocurrencies and ICOs.
SEC Statement on Potentially Unlawful Online Platforms for Trading Digital Assets
Online trading platforms have become prevalent for the buying and selling of coins and tokens, including new cryptocurrencies offered in initial coin offerings (ICOs). Many platforms bring buyers and sellers together in one place and offer investors access to automated systems that display priced orders, execute trades, and provide transaction data. If a platform offers trading of digital assets that are securities and operates as an “exchange,” as defined by the federal securities laws, then the platform must register with the SEC as a national securities exchange or be exempt from registration. As mentioned above, no such SEC-registered platform exists as of today.
In its statement, the SEC cautions investors that “[T]o get the protections offered by the federal securities laws and SEC oversight when trading digital assets that are securities, investors should use a platform or entity registered with the SEC, such as a national securities exchange, alternative trading system (‘ATS’), or broker-dealer.”
The SEC is concerned that online platforms have the appearance of regular licensed securities exchanges, including using the word “exchange” when they are not. The SEC does not review the standards these “exchanges” use to pick or vet digital assets and cryptocurrencies, the trading protocols used to determine how orders interact and are executed, nor any internal controls or procedures of these platforms. Furthermore, the SEC warns that data provided by these trading platforms, such as bid and ask prices and execution information, may lack integrity.
The SEC provides a list of questions for investors to ask when considering trading on an online platform, including:
- Do you trade securities on this platform? If so, is the platform registered as a national securities exchange (see our link to the list below)?
- Does the platform operate as an ATS? If so, is the ATS registered as a broker-dealer and has it filed a Form ATS with the SEC (see our link to the list below)?
- Is there information in FINRA’s BrokerCheck ® about any individuals or firms operating the platform?
- How does the platform select digital assets for trading?
- Who can trade on the platform?
- What are the trading protocols?
- How are prices set on the platform?
- Are platform users treated equally?
- What are the platform’s fees?
- How does the platform safeguard users’ trading and personally identifying information?
- What are the platform’s protections against cybersecurity threats, such as hacking or intrusions?
- What other services does the platform provide? Is the platform registered with the SEC for these services?
- Does the platform hold users’ assets? If so, how are these assets safeguarded?
Registration or Exemption of an Exchange
Section 5 of the Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (“Exchange Act”) makes it unlawful for any broker, dealer, or exchange, directly or indirectly, to effect any transaction in a security, or to report any such transaction, in interstate commerce, unless the exchange is registered as a national securities exchange or is exempted from such registration. A national securities exchange registers with the SEC under Section 6 of the Exchange Act.
Section 3(a)(1) of the Exchange Act defines an “exchange” as “any organization, association, or group of persons, whether incorporated or unincorporated, which constitutes, maintains, or provides a market place or facilities for bringing together purchasers and sellers of securities or for otherwise performing with respect to securities the functions commonly performed by a stock exchange as that term is generally understood….” Exchange Act Rule 3b-16 further defines an exchange to mean “an organization, association, or group of persons that: (1) brings together the orders for securities of multiple buyers and sellers; and (2) uses established, non-discretionary methods (whether by providing a trading facility or by setting rules) under which such orders interact with each other, and the buyers and sellers entering such orders agree to the terms of the trade.” The SEC has also stated that “an exchange or contract market would be required to register under Section 5 of the Exchange Act if it provides direct electronic access to persons located in the U.S.”
According to the SEC website, as of today there are 21 licensed exchanges registered with the SEC. Exchanges that trade securities futures are registered with the SEC through a notice filing under Section 6(g) of the Exchange Act. There are 5 such registered exchanges. There are two exchanges that the SEC has exempted from registration on the basis of limited volume transactions.
Continued Uncertainty
Although the SEC is certainly correct that an online trading platform that trades securities must be licensed by the SEC, that would not be the case if the asset being traded is not a security. In fact, if the asset is a currency (and not a security) or a “thing” such as loyalty points, no US federal agency would regulate its trading. The SEC only regulates the trading of securities and security-related products. The CFTC has regulatory oversight over futures, options, and derivatives contracts on virtual currencies and has oversight to pursue claims of fraud or manipulation involving a virtual currency traded in interstate commerce. Beyond instances of fraud or manipulation, the CFTC generally does not oversee “spot” or cash market exchanges and transactions involving virtual currencies that do not utilize margin, leverage or financing. Rather, these “exchanges” are regulated as payment processors or money transmitters under state law.
Likewise, no federal regulator has direct jurisdiction over “exchanges” that trade loyalty points such as converting airline points to use for hotels, cars, consumer goods and services, or cash. Online platforms such as www.points.com and www.webflyer.com operate using contractual partnerships with entities that issue loyalty points. In fact, points.com is owned by Points International Ltd., which trades on the TSX and Nasdaq and refers to itself as “the global leader in loyalty currency management.” Certainly, today there is a vast difference in the trading of loyalty points versus those looking to make profits in cryptocurrency trading, but there are also analogies, especially with the “currency” side. In a recent 6-K, Points has this to say about the loyalty industry:
Year-over-year, loyalty programs continue to generate a significant source of ancillary revenue and cash flows for companies that have developed and maintain these loyalty programs. According to the Colloquy group, a leading consulting and research firm focused on the loyalty industry, the number of loyalty program memberships in the US increased from 3.3 billion in 2014 to 3.8 billion in 2016, representing an increase of 15% (source: 2017 Colloquy Loyalty Census Report, June 2017). As the number of loyalty memberships continues to increase, the level of diversification in the loyalty landscape is evolving. While the airline, hotel, specialty retail, and financial services industries continue to be dominant in loyalty programs in the US, smaller verticals, including the restaurant and drug store industries are beginning to see larger growth in their membership base. Further, newer loyalty concepts, such as large e-commerce programs, daily deals, and online travel agencies, are becoming more prevalent. As a result of this changing landscape, loyalty programs must continue to provide innovative value propositions in order to drive activity in their programs.
Companies that believe that their crypto is truly a utility with currency value may feel they have more in common with a loyalty point than a security, and regulators have yet to be able to give any level of firm ground on which to stand.
In a hearing before the House Financial Services Committee on May 16, 2018, Stephanie Avakian, co-director of the SEC Division of Enforcement, told lawmakers that the SEC will continue to look at each case involving a cryptocurrency on a facts-and-circumstances basis. Ms. Avakian and co-director Steven Peiken both gave testimony and sat in the hot seat. The Financial Services Committee members were pushing for more definitive input on how ICOs should be defined and regulated, without result. The hearing became contentious, with Committee members becoming frustrated with the lack of direction and lack of certainty from the SEC as to how they define and view cryptocurrencies, other than “on a case-by-case basis” and using the same federal securities principles that already exist – a mantra that has been repeated.
However, the SEC enforcement division could rightfully feel they are being put in an unfair position with this line of questioning. Commissioner Hester M. Peirce warned against rulemaking by enforcement in a recent speech. Ms. Peirce has strong opinions on the subject. She states, “[D]ue process starts with telling individuals in advance what actions constitute violations of the law.” She continues with “[A] related issue to which I am paying attention is the degree to which our enforcement process is being used to push the bounds of our authority. Congress sets the parameters within which we may operate, and we ought not to stray outside those boundaries through, for example, overly broad interpretations of ‘security’ or extraterritorial impositions of the law. Our canons of ethics specifically caution us against exceeding ‘the proper limits of the law’ and argue for us remaining ‘consistent with the statutory purposes expressed by the Congress.’”
In fairness, Ms. Peirce was talking in the context of enforcement as a whole. Not once did she mention cryptocurrencies, ICOs or blockchain in that speech. However, in light of the prevalence of the topic and many industry leaders, politicians and market participants looking to the SEC for guidance on the question of “what is a cryptocurrency” and “how should it be regulated,” I can’t help but think the SEC is looking back at Congress with the same question.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For a review of the 2014 case against BTC Trading Corp. for acting as an unlicensed broker-dealer for operating a bitcoin trading platform, see HERE.
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
To learn about the SEC’s position and concerns with crypto-related funds and ETFs, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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Legal & Compliance, LLC makes this general information available for educational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Furthermore, the use of this information, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us via this information in any form will not be considered as privileged or confidential.
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© Legal & Compliance, LLC 2018
« Multiple Classes of Stock and the Public Company The 2017 SEC Government-Business Forum On Small Business Capital Formation Final Report »
SEC Continues to Review, And Delay, Crypto Funds
On January 18, 2018, the SEC issued a letter to the Investment Company Institute and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) explaining why the SEC could not approve a cryptocurrency-related exchange traded fund (ETF) or mutual fund. The letter, authored by SEC Division of Investment Management director Dalia Blass, explains the SEC’s reservations and concerns about approving a crypto-related mutual fund or ETF. The letter advised against seeking registration of funds that invest heavily in cryptocurrency-related products until the raised questions and concerns can be properly addressed.
The SEC letter comes a year after the SEC rejected a proposal by Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss, famously linked to the founding of Facebook, to create a bitcoin-tracking ETF. Since that time the SEC has privately rejected several similar requests. Many in the industry appreciate the SEC letter as it offers specific guidance and concrete issues to be addressed as the march towards the eventual approval of a crypto-related fund continues.
Since the January 18 letter, the SEC has been reviewing and conducting proceedings on a New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) proposal to list and trade five bitcoin-related ETFs. The proceedings are expected to go on for a few months. This blog will begin with an explanation of what exactly is an ETF and then address the SEC’s concerns related to the clearance of crypto-related ETFs.
What is an ETF?
Exchange traded funds or ETFs are funds that track indexes. Historically, exchange traded funds have tracked big-board indexes such as the Nasdaq 100, S&P 500 or Dow Jones; however, as ETFs have risen in popularity, there are now funds that track lesser-known indexes or specially created indexes to feed the ETF market. There are indexes based on market sectors, such as tech, healthcare, financial; foreign markets; market cap (micro-, small-, mid-, large-, and mega-cap); asset type (small-growth, large-growth, etc.); and commodities. The primary difference between an ETF and other index funds is that an ETF does not try to outperform the corresponding index, but rather tries to track and replicate the performance.
An ETF allows an investor the advantage of copying an index with a single stock trade, without the risk associated with a fund manager trying to outperform the market. Since the fund manager is simply copying and mirroring the particular index, the management style is referred to as “passive management.”
Passive management reduces the administrative costs from an actively managed portfolio, and that savings can be passed down to the investors. A typical private hedge fund charges 2% per annum for administrative fees. That fee is reduced to 1% for mutual or registered funds. The typical fee for an ETF is less than .20% per year. Moreover, since an ETF does not trade as actively as typical funds, it has fewer capital gain events and therefore lower taxes.
An ETF trades just like a stock, with continuous trading throughout a day. ETFs are generally margin-eligible and accordingly can be sold short. Conversely, mutual funds are generally only priced once a day after market closings and are not margin-eligible.
ETFs have become increasingly popular over the years, especially with investors that are interested in market sectors, regions or asset types. It is not surprising that investors are interested in crypto-related ETFs and that fund creators are likewise trying to meet this investor demand.
SEC Position on Crypto-related Mutual Funds and ETFs
As mentioned, On January 18, 2018, the SEC Division of Investment Management issued a letter to the Investment Company Institute and the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA) explaining why the SEC could not approve a cryptocurrency-related exchange traded fund (ETF) or similar investment product such as a mutual fund.
The SEC begins with its commitment to fostering innovation and the development of new types of investment products, ETFs being a primary example, but quickly continues with the assertion that multiple investor protection issues need to be resolved before a crypto-related fund could be offered. The primary issues are valuation, liquidity, custody, arbitrage, potential manipulation and other risks.
The concerns and questions raised by the SEC will also impact future changes to exchange listing standards by the Division of Corporation Finance, the Division of Trading and Markets and the Office of the Chief Accountant. The SEC foresees needed changes to accounting, auditing and reporting requirements for crypto-related funds and ETFs.
Mutual funds and ETFs must value their assets on each business day in order to reach a net asset value (“NAV”). NAV is used to determine fund performance, what investors pay for mutual funds and what authorized participants pay for ETFs as well as what they receive when they redeem or sell. The SEC is concerned that a fund or ETF would not have the necessary information to value a cryptocurrency as a result of their volatility, fragmentation, lack of regulation, nascent state and current trading volume (or lack thereof) in the cryptocurrency futures markets.
The SEC has requested that the industry evaluate and provide information as to how valuations would be conducted. Furthermore, the SEC has asked how funds would develop and implement policies and procedures related to crypto-related valuations to ensure that the requirements as to fair value are met. Likewise, the SEC would need satisfaction that a fund or ETF could adequately address the accounting and valuation impacts of “forks” such as when a cryptocurrency diverges into two separate currencies with different prices.
The SEC questions the policies a fund would implement to identify and determine eligibility and acceptability for newly created cryptocurrencies. The SEC has concern as to how a fund would consider the impact of market information and manipulation in the underlying cryptocurrency markets as related to the determination of the settlement price of cryptocurrency futures.
Investments in open-ended funds such as mutual funds and ETFs are redeemable on a daily basis and as such, the funds must maintain sufficient liquid assets to satisfy redemptions. Rule 22e-4 promulgated under the Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”) requires funds to implement liquidity risk management programs. Under the rule, funds must classify their investments into one of four liquidity categories and limit their investments in illiquid securities to 15% of the fund’s assets.
The SEC is concerned with the steps a fund or ETF that invests in cryptocurrencies or crypto-related products would take to ensure that it would have sufficient liquidity to meet daily redemptions. Moreover, the SEC raises questions as to how such funds would satisfy Rule 22e-4 and in particular, how could any crypto-related investment be classified as anything other than illiquid under the rule.
The SEC specifically asks how such funds would take into account the trading history, price volatility and trading volume of cryptocurrency futures contracts, and would funds be able to conduct a meaningful market-depth analysis in light of these factors. Similarly, given the fragmentation and volatility in the cryptocurrency markets, would these funds need to assume an unusually sizable potential daily redemption amount in light of the potential for steep market declines in the value of underlying assets.
The 1940 Act provides for certain requirements related to the custody of securities held by funds, including who may act as a custodian and when funds must verify holdings. The SEC questions how a fund or ETF could satisfy the custody requirements for cryptocurrency-related products. The SEC notes that there are currently no custodians providing fund custodial services for cryptocurrencies. Likewise, although currently all bitcoin future contracts are cash-settled, if physical settlement contracts develop, the SEC questions how a fund will custody the bitcoin to make delivery.
The SEC further questions how a fund will validate existence, exclusive ownership and software functionality of private cryptocurrency keys and other ownership records. Another issue for cryptocurrencies is cybersecurity and the threat of hacking. The SEC has concerns about how custodians can satisfy their requirements for the safekeeping of crypto assets.
Arbitrage for ETFs
ETFs obtain SEC orders that enable them to operate in a specialized structure that provides for both exchange trading of their shares throughout the day at market-based prices, and “creation unit” purchases and redemptions transacted at NAV by authorized participants. In order to promote fair treatment of investors, an ETF is required to have a market price that would not deviate materially from the ETF’s NAV. The SEC questions how an ETF could comply with the terms of an order considering the fragmentation, volatility and trading volume in the cryptocurrency marketplace.
The SEC would like funds to engage with market makers and authorized participants to understand the feasibility of the arbitrage for ETFs investing substantially in cryptocurrency and cryptocurrency-related products. The SEC also questions how trading halts or the shutdown of a cryptocurrency exchange would affect the market price or arbitrage.
Potential Manipulation and Other Risks
The SEC believes that the current cryptocurrency markets have substantially fewer investor protections than traditional securities markets. Moreover, the SEC, other federal regulators, and state regulators have found considerable fraud in the cryptocurrency marketplace. The SEC is concerned about how a fund would address fraud concerns in the underlying markets when offering investments in the fund to retail investors. Similarly, the SEC is concerned about the disclosure of, and ability for a retail investor to understand, the risks of an investment in a crypto-related fund.
Likewise, the SEC would like funds to engage in discussions with broker-dealers who may distribute the funds, as to how the broker-dealer will satisfy their suitability requirements. The SEC is also concerned with how an investment advisor will satisfy their fiduciary obligations when recommending a crypto-related fund.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICOs
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICOs, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICOs and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state-distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICOs and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICOs, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
To learn about SAFTs and the issues with the SAFT investment structure, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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Legal & Compliance, LLC makes this general information available for educational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Furthermore, the use of this information, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us via this information in any form will not be considered as privileged or confidential.
This information is not intended to be advertising, and Legal & Compliance, LLC does not desire to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this information in a jurisdiction where this information fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. This information may only be reproduced in its entirety (without modification) for the individual reader’s personal and/or educational use and must include this notice.
© Legal & Compliance, LLC 2018
« OTC Markets Makes Several Regulatory Recommendations Multiple Classes of Stock and the Public Company »
What is a SAFT?
A Simple Agreement for Future Tokens (“SAFT”) is an investment contract originally designed to provide a compliant alternative to an initial coin offering (ICO). A SAFT as used today was intended to satisfy the U.S. federal securities laws, money services and tax laws and act as an alternative to an ICO when the platform and other utilization for the cryptocurrency or token was not yet completed. The form of the SAFT is the result of a joint effort between the Cooley law firm and Protocol Lab as detailed in the white paper released on October 2, 2017 entitled “The SAFT Project: Toward a Compliant Token Sale Framework.” As discussed in this blog, the SAFT’s compliance with federal securities laws has now come into question by both the SEC and practitioners.
SAFT’s are offered and sold to accredited investors as an investment to fund the development of a business or project in a way not dissimilar to the way equity changes hands in traditional venture capital. A SAFT was developed from the oft-used simple agreement for future equity (SAFE) contract in the venture capital setting. In a SAFT sale, no coins are ever offered, sold or exchanged. Rather, money is exchanged for traditional paper documents that promise access to future product. Fundamentally, a SAFT has been relying on the premise that the future product is not in and of itself a security.
Although the SEC had been looking at ICO’s for a while, on July 25, 2017 it issued a Section 21(a) Report on an investigation related to an initial coin offering (ICO) by the DAO concluding that the ICO was a securities offering. The Section 21(a) Report established that the Howey Test is the appropriate standard for determining whether a particular token involves an investment contract and the application of the federal securities laws. SEC Chair Jay Clayton has confirmed this standard in several public statements and in testimony before the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs (“Banking Committee”). For a review of the Howey Test, see HERE.
Following the Section 21(a) Report, in a slew of enforcement proceedings by both the SEC and state securities regulators, and in numerous public statements, it is clear that regulators have viewed most, if not all, ICO’s as involving the sale of securities. At the same time, the SAFT grew in popularity as an attempt to comply with the securities laws. The SEC’s position is based on an analysis of the current market for ICO’s and the issuance of “coins” or “tokens” for capital raising transactions and as speculative investment contracts.
SAFT users rely on the premise that a cryptocurrency which today may be an investment contract (security) can morph into a commodity (currency) or other type of digital asset. The SAFT would delay the issuance of the cryptocurrency until it has reached its future utility. Investors in a SAFT automatically receive the cryptocurrency when it is publicly distributed in an ICO. The SAFT investors generally receive the crypto at a discount to the public offering price. However, this premise is taking a direct hit lately. Although I’ll lay out more on the SAFT history and why it was thought of as a solution further in this blog, I’ll jump right to the current analysis, and why a SAFT might not provide the intended protections.
The SAFT Problem
Although everyone, including regulators, agree that the state of the law in the area of cryptocurrencies and tokens is unsettled, regulators, including both the CFTC and SEC, have increasingly taken positions that would bring cryptocurrencies within their jurisdiction. I believe regulators are reacting to overarching fraud and therefore a necessity to take action to protect investors. Without congressional rule making and definitive guidance, regulators have no choice but to make the current law fit the circumstances. In some cases that works fine, but in others it does not and I suspect continuing changes in interpretations, enforcement premises and ultimately rule making will occur.
As I’ve previously discussed, the CFTC first found that Bitcoin and other virtual currencies were properly defined as commodities in 2015. Accordingly, the CFTC has regulatory oversight over futures, options, and derivatives contracts on virtual currencies and has oversight to pursue claims of fraud or manipulation involving a virtual currency traded in interstate commerce. Beyond instances of fraud or manipulation, the CFTC generally does not oversee “spot” or cash market exchanges and transactions involving virtual currencies that do not utilize margin, leverage or financing. Rather, these “exchanges” are regulated as payment processors or money transmitters under state law. See HERE.
The SEC has also taken the stance that ICO’s involve the sale of securities, and that exchanges providing for the after-market trading of cryptocurrencies must register unless an exemption applies. The SEC is now taking it one step further, postulating that the tokens or cryptocurrencies underlying the SAFT could also be a security (and when I say “could” I mean “are”), in which case the SAFT structure is nothing more than a convertible security and fails to comply with the federal securities laws and makes it even more likely that it would result in an enforcement proceeding, or private litigation.
A SAFT is a type of pre-ICO investment with the investors automatically receiving the crypto when the company completes its public ICO. If the underlying token is a security, then the future ICO fails to comply with the federal securities laws and the original SAFT also fails to comply.
Getting ahead of this issue, many companies have structured a SAFT such that the future ICO is also labeled a security, and the SAFT investor will receive the crypto when the future ICO is registered with the SEC. However, this results in a private pre-public security sale, which in and of itself is prohibited by the securities laws.
In particular, Securities Act CD&I 139.01 provides:
Question: Where the offer and sale of convertible securities or warrants are being registered under the Securities Act, and such securities are convertible or exercisable within one year, must the underlying securities be registered at that time?
Answer: Yes. Because the securities are convertible or exercisable within one year, an offering of both the overlying security and underlying security is deemed to be taking place. If such securities are not convertible or exercisable within one year, the issuer may choose not to register the underlying securities at the time of registering the convertible securities or warrants. However, the underlying securities must be registered no later than the date such securities become convertible or exercisable by their terms, if no exemption for such conversion or exercise is available. Where securities are convertible only at the option of the issuer, the underlying securities must be registered at the time the offer and sale of the convertible securities are registered since the entire investment decision that investors will be making is at the time of purchasing the convertible securities. The security holder, by purchasing a convertible security that is convertible only at the option of the issuer, is in effect also deciding to accept the underlying security. [Aug. 14, 2009] (emphasis added)
In a Crowdfund Insider article published March 26, 2018, one practitioner (Anthony Zeoli) has had discussions with the SEC on the subject. As reported in the article, the SEC has stated that if the SAFT investor will automatically receive tokens in the future when and if the tokens are registered, without any further action on the part of the investor, then the tokens must be registered as of the date of the SAFT investment.
Of course, the future ICO or token offering could be completed in a private offering in compliance with the federal securities laws, such as using Rule 506(c) and limiting all sales to accredited investors (see HERE on Rule 506(c)). However, assuming the token or coin really is designed to create a decentralized community or to have utility value that can be widely used by the public, limiting sales to accredited investors does not meet the needs of the issuers. Moreover, even if the future offering is structured as a private securities offering, the SAFT sale disclosure documents would need to include full disclosure on the future coin or token such that the investor could make an informed investment decision at the time of the SAFT investment.
In the same article, Zeoli delves into a more nuanced issue, which is the rising difference in the meaning of a “coin” vs a “token.” A SAFT is a simple agreement for future “tokens” but is being used to pre-sell initial “coin” offerings. If a coin and a token are two very different things (as Zeoli suggests—think stock vs. LLC interest), then the underlying contract has systemic problems beyond the registration and exemption provisions of the federal securities laws and may be a misrepresentation resulting in fraud claims.
More On SAFT; Background
As mentioned, the current form of a SAFT was created by a joint effort between the Cooley law firm and Protocol Lab as detailed in the white paper released on October 2, 2017 entitled “The SAFT Project: Toward a Compliant Token Sale Framework.” The SAFT was intended to comply with the federal securities, money transmittal and tax laws. Also, as discussed, the SAFT relies on the premise that a cryptocurrency which today may be an investment contract (security) will tomorrow be a non-security digital asset satisfying the Howey Test. The SAFT would delay the issuance of the cryptocurrency until it has reached its future utility.
The original SAFT white paper states:
The SAFT is an investment contract. A SAFT transaction contemplates an initial sale of a SAFT by developers to accredited investors. The SAFT obligates investors to immediately fund the developers. In exchange, the developers use the funds to develop genuinely functional network, with genuinely functional utility tokens, and then deliver those tokens to the investors once functional. The investors may then resell the tokens to the public, presumably for a profit, and so may the developers.
The SAFT is a security. It demands compliance with the securities laws. The resulting tokens, however, are already functional, and need not be securities under the Howey test. They are consumptive products and, as such, demand compliance with state and federal consumer protection laws.
Despite its good intentions, as of today, the model SAFT no longer works.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICO’s
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICO’s, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICO’s and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICO’s and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICO’s, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC testimony to the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission,” see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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Legal & Compliance, LLC makes this general information available for educational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Furthermore, the use of this information, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us via this information in any form will not be considered as privileged or confidential.
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© Legal & Compliance, LLC 2018
« Regulation A+ Continues To Grow ABA Comment Letter On Disclosures Under Regulation S-K »
The Senate Banking Committee’s Hearing On Cryptocurrencies
On February 6, 2018, the United States Senate Committee on Banking Housing and Urban Affairs (“Banking Committee”) held a hearing on “Virtual Currencies: The Oversight Role of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.” Both SEC Chairman Jay Clayton and CFTC Chairman J. Christopher Giancarlo testified and provided written testimony. The marketplace as a whole had a positive reaction to the testimony, with Bitcoin prices immediately jumping up by over $1600. This blog reviews the testimony and provides my usual commentary.
The SEC and CFTC Share Joint Regulatory Oversight
The Banking Committee hearing follows SEC and CFTC joint statements on January 19, 2018 and a joint op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal published on January 25, 2018 (see HERE). As with other areas in capital markets, such as swaps, the SEC and CFTC have joint regulatory oversight over cryptocurrencies. Where the SEC regulates securities and securities markets, the CFTC does the same for commodities and commodity markets.
Bitcoin has been determined to be a commodity and as such, the CFTC has regulatory oversight over futures, options, and derivatives contracts on virtual currencies and has oversight to pursue claims of fraud or manipulation involving a virtual currency traded in interstate commerce. Nevertheless, the CFTC does NOT have regulatory jurisdiction over markets or platforms conducting cash or “spot” transactions in virtual currencies or other commodities or over participants on such platforms. These spot virtual currency or cash markets often self-certify or are subject to state regulatory oversight. However, the CFTC does have enforcement jurisdiction to investigate fraud and manipulation in virtual currency derivatives markets and in underlying virtual currency spot markets.
The SEC does not have jurisdiction over currencies, including true virtual currencies. However, many, if not all, token offerings have been for the purpose of raising capital and have involved speculative investment contracts, thus implicating the jurisdiction of the SEC, in the offering and secondary trading markets.
Chair Clayton repeated that “every ICO I’ve seen is a security,” and added, “[T]hose who engage in semantic gymnastics or elaborate re-structuring exercises in an effort to avoid having a coin be a security are squarely in the crosshairs of our enforcement division.” Chair Clayton is very concerned that Main Street investors are getting caught up in the hype and investing money they cannot afford to lose, without proper (if any) disclosure, and without understanding the risks. He also reiterates previous messaging that to date no ICO has been registered with the SEC and that ICO’s are international in nature such that the SEC may not be able to recover lost funds or effectively pursue bad actors. Cybersecurity is also a big risk associated with ICO investments and the cryptocurrency market as a whole. Chair Clayton cites a study that more than 10% of total ICO proceeds, estimated at over $400 million, has been lost to hackers and cyberattacks.
It is becoming increasingly certain that the U.S. will impose a new regulatory regime over those tokens that are not a true cryptocurrency, which would likely include all tokens issued on the Ethereum blockchain for capital raising purposes. Clayton made the distinction between Bitcoin, which is decentralized, on a public Blockchain and mined or produced by the public and other “securities tokens” which are the cryptocurrencies that developed by an organization and created and issued primarily for capital formation and secondary trading.
Many tokens are being fashioned that outright and purposefully resemble equity in an enterprise as a new way to represent equity and capital ownership. Clearly this falls directly within the SEC jurisdiction, and state corporate regulatory oversight as well. Furthermore, there are instances where a token is issued in a capital-raising securities offering and later becomes a commodity, or instances where a token securities offering is bundled to include options or futures contracts, implicating both SEC and CFTC compliance requirements.
In the Banking Committee testimony, the SEC and CFTC presented a united front, confirming that they are cooperating and working together to ensure effective oversight. Both agencies have established virtual currency task forces and their respective enforcement divisions are cooperating and sharing information. Also, both agencies have launched efforts to educate the public on virtual currencies, with the CFTC publishing numerous articles and creating a dedicated “Bitcoin” webpage.
In addition to cooperating with each other, they are also cooperating and communicating with the NASAA, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, FinCen, the IRS, state regulators and others.
The Technology
Consistent with all statements by the regulators, both the SEC and CFTC agree that that blockchain technology is disruptive and has the potential to, and likely will, change the capital markets. Moreover, both agencies consistently reiterate their support of these changes and desire to foster innovation. In fact, the new technology has the potential to help regulators better monitor transactions, holdings and obligations and other market activities.
Chair Giancarlo’s testimony states that “DLT is likely to have a broad and lasting impact on global financial markets in payments, banking, securities settlement, title recording, cyber security and trade reporting and analysis. When tied to virtual currencies, this technology aims to serve as a new store of value, facilitate secure payments, enable asset transfers, and power new applications.” In addition, smart contracts have the ability to value themselves in real time and report information to data repositories.
However, regulation and oversight need to be fashioned that properly address the new technology and business operations. Both agencies are engaging in discussions with industry participants at all levels. A few of the key issues that will need to be resolved include custody, liquidation, valuation, cybersecurity at all levels, governance, clearing and settlement, and anti-money laundering and know-your-customer matters.
Overall, Chair Giancarlo seemed more positive and excited about blockchain and Bitcoin, pointing out current uses including a recent transaction where 66 million tons of American soybeans were handled in a blockchain transaction to China. Chair Clayton, while likely also very enthusiastic about the technology, is currently more focused on the fraud and misuse that has consumed this space recently.
Current Regulations and Needed Change
While the agencies investigate and review needed changes to the regulatory environment, both maintain that current regulations can be relied upon to address the current state of the market. On the SEC side, Chair Clayton walked the Banking Committee through previous SEC statements and the DAO Section 21(a) report issued in July 2017. He again confirmed that the Howey Test remains the appropriate standard for determining whether a particular token involves an investment contract and the application of the federal securities laws. The current registration and exemption requirements are also appropriate for ICO offerings. An issuer can either register an offering, or rely on exemptions such as Regulation D for any capital-raising transaction, including those involving tokens.
Conversely, the current regulatory framework related to exchange traded fund products (ETF’s) needs some work before a virtual currency product could be approved. Issues remain surrounding liquidity, valuation, custody of holdings, creation, redemption and arbitrage. In that regard, in a coming blog, I will review an SEC letter dated January 18, 2018 entitled “Engaging on Fund Innovation and Cryptocurrency-related Holdings” outlining why a crypto-related ETF would not be approved at this time. Senator Mark Warner was quick to point out that there seems to be a regulatory disconnect where an SEC governed ETF is not approved, but a CFTC-governed Bitcoin future is allowed.
The current federal broker-dealer registration requirements remain the best test to determine if an exchange or other offering participant is required to be registered and a member of FINRA. Chair Clayton repeats his warning shot to gatekeepers such as attorneys and accountants that are involved in ICO’s and the crypto marketplace as a whole. Chair Clayton expresses concern that crypto markets often look similar to regulated securities markets and even are called “exchanges”; however, “investors transacting on these trading platforms do not receive many of the market protections that they would when transacting through broker-dealers on registered exchanges or alternative trading systems (ATSs), such as best execution, prohibitions on front running, short sale restrictions, and custody and capital requirements.”
CFTC Chair Giancarlo reiterated that current regulations related to futures, options, and derivatives contracts, and the registration (or lack thereof through self-certification) of spot currency exchanges are being utilized in the virtual currency market. However, the part of the regulatory system that completely defers to state law may need change. In particular, check cashing, payment processing and money transmission services are primarily state regulated. Many of the Internet-based cryptocurrency trading platforms have registered as payment services and are not subject to direct oversight by the SEC or the CFTC, and both agencies expressed concern about this jurisdictional gap.
Giancarlo was especially critical of this state-by-state approach and suggested new federal legislation, including legislation related to data reporting, capital requirements, cybersecurity standards, measures to prevent fraud, price manipulation, anti-money laundering, and “know your customer” protections. “To be clear, the CFTC does not regulate the dozens of virtual currency trading platforms here and abroad,” Giancarlo said, clarifying that the CFTC can’t require cyber-protections, platform safeguards and other things that consumers might expect from traditional marketplaces.
Chair Clayton expressed the same concerns, especially the lack of protections for Main Street investors. Chair Clayton stated, “I think our Main Street investors look at these virtual currency platforms and assume they are regulated in the same way that a stock is regulated and, as I said, it’s far from that and I think we should address that.”
I am always an advocate of federal oversight of capital markets matters that cross state lines. A state-by-state approach is always inconsistent, expensive, and inefficient for market participants.
Both agencies are clear that regardless of the technology and nomenclature, they are and will continue to actively pursue cases of fraud and misconduct. Current regulations or questions related to needed changes do not affect this role. However, Chair Clayton did impress upon the Banking Committee that the current hiring freeze and budgetary restraints are an impediment. The SEC specifically needs more attorneys in their enforcement and trading and markets divisions.
Further Reading on DLT/Blockchain and ICO’s
For an introduction on distributed ledger technology, including a summary of FINRA’s Report on Distributed Ledger Technology and Implication of Blockchain for the Securities Industry, see HERE.
For a discussion on the Section 21(a) Report on the DAO investigation, statements by the Divisions of Corporation Finance and Enforcement related to the investigative report and the SEC’s Investor Bulletin on ICO’s, see HERE.
For a summary of SEC Chief Accountant Wesley R. Bricker’s statements on ICO’s and accounting implications, see HERE.
For an update on state distributed ledger technology and blockchain regulations, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and NASAA statements on ICO’s and updates on enforcement proceedings as of January 2018, see HERE.
For a summary of the SEC and CFTC joint statements on cryptocurrencies, including The Wall Street Journal op-ed article and information on the International Organization of Securities Commissions statement and warning on ICO’s, see HERE.
For a review of the CFTC role and position on cryptocurrencies, see HERE.
The Author
Laura Anthony, Esq.
Founding Partner
Legal & Compliance, LLC
Corporate, Securities and Going Public Attorneys
330 Clematis Street, Suite 217
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Phone: 800-341-2684 – 561-514-0936
Fax: 561-514-0832
Securities attorney Laura Anthony and her experienced legal team provides ongoing corporate counsel to small and mid-size private companies, OTC and exchange traded issuers as well as private companies going public on the NASDAQ, NYSE MKT or over-the-counter market, such as the OTCQB and OTCQX. For nearly two decades Legal & Compliance, LLC has served clients providing fast, personalized, cutting-edge legal service. The firm’s reputation and relationships provide invaluable resources to clients including introductions to investment bankers, broker dealers, institutional investors and other strategic alliances. The firm’s focus includes, but is not limited to, compliance with the Securities Act of 1933 offer sale and registration requirements, including private placement transactions under Regulation D and Regulation S and PIPE Transactions as well as registration statements on Forms S-1, S-8 and S-4; compliance with the reporting requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including registration on Form 10, reporting on Forms 10-Q, 10-K and 8-K, and 14C Information and 14A Proxy Statements; Regulation A/A+ offerings; all forms of going public transactions; mergers and acquisitions including both reverse mergers and forward mergers, ; applications to and compliance with the corporate governance requirements of securities exchanges including NASDAQ and NYSE MKT; crowdfunding; corporate; and general contract and business transactions. Moreover, Ms. Anthony and her firm represents both target and acquiring companies in reverse mergers and forward mergers, including the preparation of transaction documents such as merger agreements, share exchange agreements, stock purchase agreements, asset purchase agreements and reorganization agreements. Ms. Anthony’s legal team prepares the necessary documentation and assists in completing the requirements of federal and state securities laws and SROs such as FINRA and DTC for 15c2-11 applications, corporate name changes, reverse and forward splits and changes of domicile. Ms. Anthony is also the author of SecuritiesLawBlog.com, the OTC Market’s top source for industry news, and the producer and host of LawCast.com, the securities law network. In addition to many other major metropolitan areas, the firm currently represents clients in New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Miami, Boca Raton, West Palm Beach, Atlanta, Phoenix, Scottsdale, Charlotte, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Washington, D.C., Denver, Tampa, Detroit and Dallas.
Contact Legal & Compliance LLC. Technical inquiries are always encouraged.
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Legal & Compliance, LLC makes this general information available for educational purposes only. The information is general in nature and does not constitute legal advice. Furthermore, the use of this information, and the sending or receipt of this information, does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship between us. Therefore, your communication with us via this information in any form will not be considered as privileged or confidential.
This information is not intended to be advertising, and Legal & Compliance, LLC does not desire to represent anyone desiring representation based upon viewing this information in a jurisdiction where this information fails to comply with all laws and ethical rules of that jurisdiction. This information may only be reproduced in its entirety (without modification) for the individual reader’s personal and/or educational use and must include this notice.
© Legal & Compliance, LLC 2018
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